As part of the Community-Based Recovery and Stabilization Project for the Sahel implemented by the World Bank, Africa Label Group has been mandated to carry out a component of this program. This involves conducted a study to support the development and design of a Regional Data and Coordination Platform (PRDC) for the Liptako-Gourma region.
Objectives of the assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to support the development and design of a Regional Data and Coordination Platform (RDCP) for the Liptako-Gourma Region.
Client ; World Bank
Country : Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali
Period : March –June 2021
Activities performed :
- Formalization of partnership around the development of the RDCP
- Developping of data collection instruments
- Interaction with stakeholders on issues of extremism and human rights violations ;
- Stakeholder mapping and analysis for the region
- Stock-take of the database systems already available and in use in the Liptako-Gourma region