- Project: Youth Empowerment through TVET in The Gambia
- Country: The Gambia
- Client: UNESCO
- Period: January-March 2022
The evaluation team will aim to achieve the following objectives:
i) Assess the appropriateness of the project strategy and design in relation to outcomes and progress made;
ii) Assess the strategic positioning of the project within the UN system and the broader landscape of TVET-related actors and programmes, taking into account relevant enabling policy frameworks to which the work of the project responds;
iii) Assess how the project aligns with The Gambia’s needs, as well as SDG targets, relevant international policies and norms, and UNESCO strategic objectives and Global Priorities;
iv) Assess contributions towards gender transformative change;
v) Assess managerial arrangements and work planning; finance and co-finance, risks to sustainability (financial, socio-economic, institutional framework and governance, environmental, etc.);
vi) Evaluate the current exit strategy and likelihood of sustainability of activities and preliminary project gains; and
vii) List obstacles the project confronted, and lessons learned moving forward.