Services & Expertise


Sectoral studies, economic and social research and analysis, Strategic studies, Market studies, Feasibility studies …


Evaluation of projects / programs at all stages of development; field research, qualitative and quantitative analyzes, impact evaluation … 


Organizational development, Institutional support, implementation of transformational processes, capacity building,  Management and Strategy.

Development studies

ALG carries out studies in various areas of development, helping our partners to use the most appropriate knowledge and tools to promote economic and social development.

Our solutions include:

  • Definition of methodological approaches
  • Design of collection and analysis tools
  • Field research
  • Data analysis
  • Interactions with stakeholders
  • Sharing the results. 

Although the problems are recurrent and resemble each other, our knowledge of the specific context of each country/region leads us to use approaches that enable us to identify the real nature of the situations with a view to proposing mechanisms that allow them to be controlled in the long term.

Project Evaluation

  • Careful examination of the context and stakeholders
  • Collection of qualitative and quantitative data
  • Analysis of indicators of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact Gender consideration
  • Recommendations and recommendations focused on transformation … 

Organisation & Capacity building

  • Strategic planning
  • Design and deployment of training products
  • Information system project management
  • Recruitment

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