Expertise for RAP Implementation Audit for Solar and T-line in The Gambia

  • Consultant
  • The Gambia
  • Applications have closed

Website ALG

About the Assignment:

ALG is currently in the process of recruiting individual experts to assemble a team tasked with executing the mission entitled “RAP Implementation Audit for Solar and T-line” in The Gambia. This procedure is presently in the tendering stage, and the results of this recruitment will significantly influence the success of our service offering.

Scope of Work 

The focus of the RAP implementation audit will be on GERMP Jambur Solar Park and GBA Transmission and Distribution network Modernization.

The audit will comprise of an independent evaluation of the overall implementation of RAP, as per commitments stated in the RPF, and RAPs for both GERMP Jambur Solar Plant and Greater Banjul Area Transmission and Distribution Network Modernization.

Specific responsibilities include:

  1. Develop a workplan to undertake a broad audit program.
  2. Based on clear and agreed criteria, select site-specific activities to be included in the audit.
  3. Review and assess the adequacy of the project stakeholder identification, analysis and engagement progress and assess current and planned stakeholder engagement activities as outlined in the project’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).
  4. Conduct a RAP implementation audit of the two components (GERMP Jambur Solar Plant and Greater Banjul Area Transmission and Distribution Network Modernization) as per the audit program.
  5. Assess the PIU capacities and resources to implement the measures recommended to address the gaps identified in the implementation of the RAPs.
  6. Assess the effectiveness of the project’s Grievance Resolution Mechanism (GRM) in terms of its accessibility, credibility, effectiveness in resolving grievances, resourcing, etc.
  7. Assess the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement activities undertaken for the development and implementation of RAP.
  8. Present audit findings and recommend gap-filling and enhancement measures for the overall RAPs implementation of the two components with action plans agreed by the GERMP and the World Bank.
  9. The final deliverable shall include extensive visual and graphic documentation including all the affected plots, photographs of field conditions.

Duration of Assignment

The maximum duration of the assignment is three (3) months.

Roles and Specific Requirements

  1. Project Manager / Team Leader

Project Manager/Team Leader should be a post-graduate, preferably in social sciences with financial management background. S/he should have 10 years’ experience in implementation of resettlement plans and development of reports with good knowledge on GIS and mapping of Project affected area and PAP plots of land. S/he should have held responsible position in the previous assignments and should possess participatory management skills. Knowledge of local language (Mandinka) will be a good asset.

2. Social Specialist as Community Facilitator

The social specialists should have at least a master’s degree or equivalent in social sciences with at least 10 years field experience. They shall have experience in implementation of resettlement in project development works with knowledge of prevailing resettlement policies including WB policies, and knowledge of gender issues and/or GBV. They should have at least five years of experience in community consultation (including one with demonstrated experience with gender-sensitive consultation approaches and working with women community members to create safe-spaces for discussion). Knowledge of the local language and experience of working in The Gambia are desired.

3. SEA/SH and Gender Specialist

  • At least a master’s degree in such as social development, public policy, gender studies, or related field
  • A minimum of 10 (ten) years relevant professional experience or equivalent combination of education and working experience in Gender Based Violence (GBV) and SEA/SH management, gender studies and post-disaster contexts.
  • Experience in developing and SEA/SH guidelines, management systems, checklists, and training courses on SEA/SH; and

​​​​​​​4. Land Acquisition Specialist

Should have at least a master’s degree in the social sciences with 10 years field experience in Land Acquisition, using maps to identify PAP assets, should have knowledge of prevailing land acquisition and compensation Act in The Gambia and WB policies, including OP 4.12 and the Environmental and Social Framework ESS 5.
