Category: Evaluations-Audits

External final evaluation of the programme: ‘Creating in Central Africa: supporting the culture and creation sectors’

The program received funding from the European Union as part of the ACP-EU partnership framework. It was executed by an international consortium. ALG has been engaged to carry out the final evaluation, which occurred from February to June 2024.

Scope of the evaluation

The external evaluation of the “Create in Central Africa: Support for the Cultural and Creative Sectors” Programme under the ACP-EU Culture Programme comes in a context of renewed interest in the cultural and creative industries. The cultural and creative industry (CCI) is considered today as one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy. The CCI constitutes a real economic challenge given its considerable weight in the global economy.

The external evaluation of the Programme has been commissioned to:
● provide a comprehensive history of the project and assess its overall impact with the aim of improving future cooperation projects aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries in ACP countries;
● analyse the implementation of the project in relation to its initial objectives while providing its partners with an independent review of the activities and results.

The evaluation team used the available evidence to examine the technical and management aspects of the Programme. It considered the issues of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, preliminary impact and sustainability to identify the factors that facilitated and/or hindered the achievement of the objectives. Particular attention was paid to the elements related to the projects funded as well as to the overall picture of the Programme.

With regard to the elements related to the projects funded, the evaluation:

  • identified and developed quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess the projects funded, in terms of work plan, areas of work, results and final beneficiaries;
  • assessed the sustainability and possible future replicability of the projects funded;
  • identified best practices of the 40 projects funded based on their achievements;
  •  assessed the impact of the communication of the projects funded and the visibility of the EU in the context of Create in Central Africa
  •  examined and analysed how the projects funded contributed to achieving the objectives of the Create in Central Africa Programme.

Regarding the overall view of the Programme, the evaluation:

  • assessed and analysed the results and overall impact achieved by the Programme and its contribution to social cohesion, inclusion and job creation;
  •  identified lessons learned and provided recommendations for follow-up actions as well as for future projects and programmes on intercultural dialogue;
  • assessed mobility and networking activities.

Based on the main lessons learned, the evaluation resulted in recommendations that could benefit the various stakeholders. These recommendations will increase the sustainability of the Programme, provide means to assess the extent to which the consortium has contributed to strengthening the capacities of beneficiaries for the improvement of the governance and financing framework as well as the production of cultural products at the sub-regional level.

In addition to the executive summary, the general introduction and the conclusion, the report consists of four parts: (i) the description of the Programme, (ii) the methodology and main stages of the evaluation, (iii) the results of the evaluation and their implications, (iv) the lessons learned and the recommendations.

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Final Evaluation of the PROTEJEM program

**Final Evaluation of PROTEJEM Program**

**Client:** Save the Children International / Terre des Hommes
**Location:** Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Senegal
**Period of Implementation:** August – December 2023

The PROTEJEM program, aimed at safeguarding vulnerable children and promoting their rights in West Africa, underwent a comprehensive final evaluation conducted by ALG. This evaluation was designed to assess the program’s effectiveness, measure its impact, and identify lessons learned to inform future initiatives.

**Evaluation Objectives**
The primary objectives of the final evaluation were to:
1. Evaluate the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the program in achieving its intended outcomes.
2. Assess the relevance and sustainability of the interventions implemented.
3. Gather feedback from stakeholders, including beneficiaries, to gauge satisfaction levels and areas for improvement.

The evaluation employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data collection through surveys and qualitative insights through interviews and focus group discussions. Stakeholders from the target countries—Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, and Senegal—were engaged to provide a comprehensive view of the program’s impact.

**Key Findings**
1. **Effectiveness:** The PROTEJEM program demonstrated significant success in enhancing child protection mechanisms across the targeted regions. Most beneficiaries reported increased awareness of their rights and access to protective services.

2. **Stakeholder Satisfaction:** Feedback from local partners and beneficiaries indicated a high level of satisfaction with the program’s implementation. Many stakeholders highlighted the program’s responsiveness to local needs and its adaptability to the socio-cultural context.

3. **Sustainability:** The evaluation found that the program has laid a strong foundation for sustainability through capacity-building initiatives with local organizations, ensuring continued support for child protection efforts beyond the program’s duration.

4. **Challenges:** Despite the successes, some challenges were identified, including logistical constraints and varying levels of engagement among local communities, which could be addressed in future programming.

The final evaluation of the PROTEJEM program has concluded with positive outcomes, reflecting the commitment and effectiveness of Save the Children International and Terre des Hommes in promoting child rights and protection in West Africa. The findings underscore the importance of community engagement and capacity building for sustainable impact.

1. Continue strengthening partnerships with local organizations to enhance community ownership of child protection initiatives.
2. Address logistical challenges to improve program delivery and accessibility in remote areas.
3. Expand monitoring and evaluation frameworks to capture long-term impacts and inform future programming.

The successful implementation of the PROTEJEM program serves as a model for future child protection initiatives in the region, and ALG is pleased to have contributed to this important work.

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Evaluation of the Support Program for the Implementation of the Response Plan for Educational Continuity in Burkina Faso

  • Project: Evaluation of the Support Program for the Implementation of the Response Plan for Educational Continuity in Burkina Faso
  • Country: Burkina Faso
  • Client: Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • Period: October 2022-March 2023

Description of the intervention:

ALG was recruited by AFD to conduct the final evaluation of the Response Plan Support Program to (i) report on the activities financed with regard to the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, gender equality and equity; (ii) highlight what this health crisis has revealed about the functioning of the education system; and (iii) contribute to learning lessons from the management of this situation by the education community, by striving to show the progressive progression of the stages between observations (raw data), findings (developed indicators, ratios), judgments made and lessons/recommendations.

The objective of the service is to conduct the final evaluation of the Support Program for the Response Plan for Educational Continuity in Burkina, which will be carried out at the end of the eighteen months of implementation and will make it possible to report on the activities financed with regard to the criteria of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency.

Beyond the program financed by the GPE, the evaluation will focus on highlighting what this health crisis has revealed about the functioning of the education system to help learn lessons from the management of this situation by the education community. The service provider will strive throughout its work to clearly show and explain the progressive progression of the stages between observations (raw data), findings (developed indicators, ratios), judgments made and lessons/recommendations.

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eHealth for Africa strategy development

  • Project title: ICT for health in Africa
  • Countries: 12 sample countries and the whole continent
  • Client: Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
  • Period: November 2022-March 2023

Description of the project:

ALG has carried out this assignment for IsDB. The general objective is to develop an eHealth program in Africa that will allow for patient- centric health care provision enabled by interconnected ICTs for health. The specific objectives are: (i) Enhancing access to quality health services; (ii) Reducing the overflow of hospitals and medical centres; and (iii) Freeing up medical staff for underserved regions.
Therefore, the study will assess the status and opportunities for investments for the improved status of e-health systems in African member countries.

The study will assess the current status of ICT and innovation in the Health sector, including governance arrangements, in IsDB 12 African Member Countries, and identify investment opportunities to harness digital technologies’ use and appropriate application to build resilient health systems. This will help develop the Bank’s investments in digital health for enhanced resilience among member countries. This study will be conducted in consultation with all key stakeholders within the national health ecosystems, including governments, Partners, private sector NGOs, and CSOs such as the Health practitioners Association and Unions; Universities, and the private sector.

More about our eHeath Consulting. 

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Elaboration de modules de renforcement des capacités des jeunes pour la résilience et la prévention de l’extémisme violent

  • Zone d’intervention: Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso
  • Client: UNESCO
  • Période de la mission: Janvier-Février 2022
  • Titre du projet: Renforcer la résilience des jeunes face à l’extrémisme violent et leur engagement pour la construction de la paix à travers l’éducation

L’objectif principal de cette mission est de disposer d’une ébauche de modules de formation sur la base du rapport issu de l’évaluation des besoins des jeunes qui a été conduite dans les 3 pays. Les modules de formation seront utilisés par des formateurs/facilitateurs pour le renforcement des capacités des jeunes (filles et garçons) en matière de résilience, de construction de la paix et de l’état de droit et des compétences leur permettant d’être des agents de la paix.

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Mid-term evaluation of the “Youth Empowerment through TVET in The Gambia” project

  • Project: Youth Empowerment through TVET in The Gambia
  • Country: The Gambia
  • Client: UNESCO
  • Period: January-March 2022

The evaluation team will aim to achieve the following objectives:
i) Assess the appropriateness of the project strategy and design in relation to outcomes and progress made;
ii) Assess the strategic positioning of the project within the UN system and the broader landscape of TVET-related actors and programmes, taking into account relevant enabling policy frameworks to which the work of the project responds;
iii) Assess how the project aligns with The Gambia’s needs, as well as SDG targets, relevant international policies and norms, and UNESCO strategic objectives and Global Priorities;
iv) Assess contributions towards gender transformative change;

v) Assess managerial arrangements and work planning; finance and co-finance, risks to sustainability (financial, socio-economic, institutional framework and governance, environmental, etc.);
vi) Evaluate the current exit strategy and likelihood of sustainability of activities and preliminary project gains; and
vii) List obstacles the project confronted, and lessons learned moving forward.

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External Terminal Evaluation of the Transitional Justice & Human Rights Project

  • Project title: Support the capacity of the Government and national stakeholders to establish credible transitional justice processes and mechanisms that promote reconciliation and sustainable peace in The Gambia.
  • Country: The Gambia
  • Client: UNDP
  • Period: June-July 2021

The evaluation had five key objectives:

  1. To assess the contribution of the project activities to the realization of project objectives and outcomes by determining how relevant, efficient, effective, and sustainable the project is.
  2. To identify and provide analysis of the factors that have either positively or negatively affected/impacted the project beneficiaries.
  3. To recognize any possible catalytic effects of the project.
  4. To assess the project’s contribution towards national strategies on transitional justice and human rights, as well as peacebuilding, including its contribution towards strengthening Government-led coordination and planning in this sector.
  5. To provide recommendations for improving UN support to transitional justice and human rights in The Gambia, including the country’s sustainable peace agenda on transitional justice and human rights.
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Rural Development and Improvement of Irrigation System project impact evaluation

  • Client: Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI)
  • Country: Ghana
  • Period: August-September 2021

The overall objective of this consultancy is to prepare products that document the extent to which the subject project’s outcomes and impact have been achieved: What is the impact of the project on rural development and improvement of the irrigation system for vegetable production in the target community?

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Living Income Learning Project Impact Evaluation

  • Client name: Fairtrade International
  • Countries of assignment: Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
  • Period: April-May 2022

The scope of the evaluation covers at least six Fairtrade cocoa cooperatives in Cote d’Ivoire which

participate in a GIZ funded Living Income Learning project, but ideally also includes an analysis of

two additional cooperatives (one in Ghana and one in Cote d’Ivoire) for which farm record data have

been collected in different living income projects for cross-learning.

Overall tasks completed by ALG:

  • Systematize, clean and analyse the data collected through farm record books and quantify progress made in relation to baseline results (where available).
  • Collect complementary data in order to monetize, quantify and evaluate in-kind income improvement of target farmers through project interventions, premium use and cooperative services;
  • Triangulate and validate the analysed data results with relevant project stakeholders;
  • Provide descriptive statistics about the breakdown of household incomes and expenditures, production costs, household labour employment, demographics, and other key predefined income indicators.
  • Evaluate the results and impact of the different project interventions and cooperative services to members in terms of progress towards target values for key income drivers as assumed in the Living Income Reference Price model.
  • Assess the underlying model assumptions and key variables of the Living Income Reference Price model.
  • Provide recommendations for potential adjustments of the LIRP variables, based on the results.
  • Expand the impact evaluation to two additional living income projects for which farm record data have been collected, involving a cooperative in CDI and a cooperative in Ghana, and compare the results in relation to the project specific interventions.
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Evaluation du fonctionnement du système judiciaire et de la CENI en matière de gestion des contentieux

Titre du projet: Evaluation du fonctionnement du système judiciaire et de la Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante (CENI) en matière de gestion des contentieux, dans le cadre de son projet de soutien aux droits humains et à la promotion de la justice électorale en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC).

  • Client: Freedom House
  • Bailleur de fonds: USAID
  • Pays: RDC
  • Année: 2016

La mission d’évaluation consiste en une étude diagnostique  des mécanismes de résolution des conflits électoraux en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les objectifs spécifiques à atteindre par la mission sont listés dans les TDR. Ainsi, la mission d’évaluation a permis de déterminer:

  1. Domaines potentiels de conflit (entre citoyens, partis politiques, Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante et système judiciaire);
  2. Quand et quels types de conflit sont susceptibles de survenir;
  3. Quels mécanismes existent en dehors du système tem judiciaire;
  4. Faiblesse des mécanismes d’arbitrage existants ;
  5. Structure et fonctionnement actuels de la CENI, aussi bien au niveau national que local;
  6. Fonctionnement des institutions judiciaires en matière de conflit électoraux;
  7. Niveau de confiance des citoyens et des candidats des partis politiques dans la capacité des mécanismes actuels à résoudre les différends électoraux, de façon équitable et dans les délais requis.
  8. Quels sont les besoins en matière de règlement des différends électoraux ;
  9. Quelle conception le public a-t-il du système judiciaire dans ce domaine ou des mécanismes alternatifs de résolution des conflits électoraux;
  10. Quelle devrait être la structure d’un système alternatif de résolution des conflits électoraux.
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