- Client: UNDP
- Location: Mauritania
- Period: May-August 2023
The feasibility study examined the viability of the Accelerated Community Development Program (PADC) in Mauritania and will assess whether it is likely to become a vehicle for promoting accelerated community development in line with governments’ pro-poor objectives. Specifically, the feasibility study will:
For Mauritania, its alignment with the SCAPP, the ProPEP, the priority initiative for opening up, and accelerating the digital desert, and its climate change mitigation objectives as indicated in the country’s nationally determined contribution (NDC);
Consult with key stakeholders, especially at the community level, including beneficiaries, local and central government officials, and community groups, but also technical and financial partners, to gather the necessary information and data that will maintain the relevance of PADC interventions to ensure ownership and sustainability
Develop detailed costing of PADC interventions disaggregated at regional and local levels, including detailed budgeting for all interventions such as rural roads, on-grid energy solutions, water supply, and agricultural (production and processing) equipment, livestock products and land development where needed, markets, and education and health facilities. The cost should include all direct and indirect costs of infrastructure upkeep and maintenance, including strengthening local capacity for operation and maintenance.
Review current institutional settings and propose optimal institutional oversight with defined roles and responsibilities and capacity needs of key national and subnational stakeholders that will ensure sustainability of PADC interventions.
Develop a cost-benefit analysis highlighting the likely benefits and outcomes for countries and communities, particularly the economic and social returns of the PADC
Identify potential partners and implementation modalities, including targeting and exit strategy.
Formulate a detailed and targeted resource mobilization strategy through assessment of government budgets as well as identification of international financial institutions and donors interested in financing development projects in Mauritania.