External final evaluation of the programme: ‘Creating in Central Africa: supporting the culture and creation sectors’
The program received funding from the European Union as part of the ACP-EU partnership framework. It was executed by an international consortium. ALG has been engaged to carry out the final evaluation, which occurred from February to June 2024.
Scope of the evaluation
The external evaluation of the “Create in Central Africa: Support for the Cultural and Creative Sectors” Programme under the ACP-EU Culture Programme comes in a context of renewed interest in the cultural and creative industries. The cultural and creative industry (CCI) is considered today as one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy. The CCI constitutes a real economic challenge given its considerable weight in the global economy.
The external evaluation of the Programme has been commissioned to:
● provide a comprehensive history of the project and assess its overall impact with the aim of improving future cooperation projects aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries in ACP countries;
● analyse the implementation of the project in relation to its initial objectives while providing its partners with an independent review of the activities and results.
The evaluation team used the available evidence to examine the technical and management aspects of the Programme. It considered the issues of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, preliminary impact and sustainability to identify the factors that facilitated and/or hindered the achievement of the objectives. Particular attention was paid to the elements related to the projects funded as well as to the overall picture of the Programme.
With regard to the elements related to the projects funded, the evaluation:
- identified and developed quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess the projects funded, in terms of work plan, areas of work, results and final beneficiaries;
- assessed the sustainability and possible future replicability of the projects funded;
- identified best practices of the 40 projects funded based on their achievements;
- assessed the impact of the communication of the projects funded and the visibility of the EU in the context of Create in Central Africa
- examined and analysed how the projects funded contributed to achieving the objectives of the Create in Central Africa Programme.
Regarding the overall view of the Programme, the evaluation:
- assessed and analysed the results and overall impact achieved by the Programme and its contribution to social cohesion, inclusion and job creation;
- identified lessons learned and provided recommendations for follow-up actions as well as for future projects and programmes on intercultural dialogue;
- assessed mobility and networking activities.
Based on the main lessons learned, the evaluation resulted in recommendations that could benefit the various stakeholders. These recommendations will increase the sustainability of the Programme, provide means to assess the extent to which the consortium has contributed to strengthening the capacities of beneficiaries for the improvement of the governance and financing framework as well as the production of cultural products at the sub-regional level.
In addition to the executive summary, the general introduction and the conclusion, the report consists of four parts: (i) the description of the Programme, (ii) the methodology and main stages of the evaluation, (iii) the results of the evaluation and their implications, (iv) the lessons learned and the recommendations.