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TVET strategy in violent extremism context in the Sahel

Solutions alimentées par l’IA pour le développement et la croissance en Afrique

ALG fournit des services adaptés de Solutions alimentées par l’IA pour le développement et la croissance en Afrique

L’Afrique, avec sa diversité multidimensionnelle et ses défis uniques, est à un tournant décisif de son développement. L’intégration des solutions basées sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans les gouvernements, institutions et organisations africaines représente une opportunité sans précédent d’améliorer l’efficacité, la transparence et l’engagement citoyen. Ces technologies novatrices peuvent non seulement répondre à des défis cruciaux dans divers secteurs, mais aussi promouvoir une croissance durable et inclusive.

Avec plus de 25 années d’interventions à travers le continent, ALG est à la pointe de la définition des solutions axées sur l’IA dans divers domaines. Un département spécialisé a été mis en place à Accra (Ghana) pour définir la stratégie IA pour la croissance et le développement adaptée au contexte des pays cibles. Les services proposés sont variés et concernent entre autres:

  • l’e-gouvernement 

  • l’éducation

  • les soins de santé

  • l’autonomisation des jeunes

  • la lutte contre la corruption

  • la gestion foncière

  • la gestion des marchés publics

  • la résilience climatique

  • la gouvernance locale

  • les infrastructures

  • les finances

  • l’état civil

  • la Justice

  • le genre

  • l’agriculture

  • l’exploitation minière

  • le commerce

  • les industries créatives

  • le tourisme

  • les villes intelligentes

  • les transports.

L’IA au service de l’e-Gouvernement et des services publics

L’une des applications les plus prometteuses de l’IA en Afrique réside dans le domaine de l’e-gouvernement. En automatisant les processus administratifs, les gouvernements peuvent réduire les délais de traitement, diminuer la bureaucratie et améliorer l’accès aux services publics. Par exemple, des chatbots alimentés par l’IA peuvent fournir des informations en temps réel aux citoyens, facilitant ainsi leur interaction avec les administrations publiques.

Par ailleurs, des systèmes d’IA peuvent être déployés pour surveiller la sécurité publique, optimisant ainsi les interventions en cas de crise. Cela inclut la gestion des catastrophes naturelles et des situations d’urgence, où des analyses prédictives peuvent aider à anticiper les besoins et à mobiliser des ressources de manière efficace.

Entre 2009 et 2012, ALG a mis en oeuvre le projet  “Togo Development Gateway”, en partenariat avec  Development Gateway, une agence de la Banque devenue par la suite une fondation indépendante. Cela a permis de promouvoir des services en faveur de l’intégration des TIC dans les secteurs de l’administration. ALG a travaillé également avec d’autres acteurs pour promouvoir les systèmes d’information dans la gouvernance et le développement, notamment au Burundi, en RDC, au Burkina Faso et au Sénégal.

L’impact de l’IA sur le développement économique

L’IA offre également des outils puissants pour le développement économique. Dans le secteur de l’éducation, des plateformes d’apprentissage personnalisées peuvent s’adapter aux besoins spécifiques des élèves, améliorant ainsi les résultats éducatifs. De même, dans le secteur de la santé, l’IA peut faciliter le diagnostic précoce de maladies, permettant une meilleure gestion des ressources médicales et une amélioration des soins aux patients.

L’autonomisation des jeunes est cruciale pour l’avenir de l’Afrique. Des programmes soutenus par l’IA peuvent aider à développer des compétences numériques, préparant ainsi les jeunes à participer activement à l’économie moderne. L’IA peut également jouer un rôle clé dans la lutte contre la corruption en rendant les processus de passation de marchés plus transparents et en surveillant les transactions financières.

Répondre aux défis sectoriels avec l’IA

Les défis auxquels l’Afrique est confrontée dans des domaines tels que l’agriculture, le climat, la gestion des terres et l’infrastructure peuvent être atténués grâce à des solutions d’IA. Par exemple, dans l’agriculture, des systèmes d’IA peuvent analyser des données météorologiques et des sols pour optimiser les rendements des cultures. Dans le cadre de la résilience climatique, l’IA peut aider à modéliser les impacts du changement climatique, permettant aux gouvernements de mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’adaptation efficaces.

De plus, l’intégration de l’IA dans les villes intelligentes peut transformer les infrastructures urbaines. En optimisant les systèmes de transport et en améliorant la gestion de l’énergie, les villes peuvent devenir plus durables et mieux adaptées aux besoins de leurs citoyens.

Les solutions alimentées par l’IA, telles que proposées par ALG dans divers domaines comme la santé, l’éducation, la gouvernance locale, et plus encore, représentent une avancée significative pour le développement et la croissance en Afrique. En améliorant l’efficacité, la transparence et l’engagement citoyen, ces technologies peuvent contribuer à relever les défis complexes du continent et à promouvoir une croissance durable et inclusive. Il est essentiel que les gouvernements, institutions et organisations africaines adoptent ces innovations pour construire un avenir meilleur et plus prospère pour leurs populations.

Le programme IA pour le développement et la croissance est en cours de vulgarisation auprès des acteurs dans les pays clés d’intervention d’ALG. Il s’agit de: Ghana, Burkina Faso, Bénin, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, RDC, Niger, Mali, Burundi, Congo, Gambie, Mauritanie, Tchad.

Pour plus d’information et pour recevoir la plaquette, écrivez-nous: [email protected] et copie à [email protected] 

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TVET strategy in violent extremism context in the Sahel

TVET strategy in violent extremism context in the Sahel

TVET Strategy in Violent Extremism Context in the Sahel

The Sahel region, spanning across Africa from Senegal to Sudan, has been a hotbed of violent extremism for years. This has led to a significant disruption in the socio-economic fabric of the region, with education being one of the most affected sectors. In response, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has emerged as a strategic approach to counter violent extremism in the Sahel. This article explores the role and impact of TVET in this context.

Over the past five years, ALG has successfully completed numerous projects in the region in collaboration with esteemed international partners such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through its regional stabilization program, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) through its regional office in Dakar, Heifer International, the International Republican Institute, and the World Bank. This article leverages the valuable lessons learned from these interventions to inform its insights and recommendations.

Understanding the Sahel Context

The Sahel region, which stretches across the African continent from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east, is marked by a unique and intricate tapestry of socio-economic, political, and environmental challenges. This arid and semi-arid zone, which includes countries such as Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Mauritania, faces a myriad of issues that significantly impact the daily lives of its inhabitants.

One of the most pressing challenges in the Sahel is the pervasive poverty that affects millions of people. The socio-economic fabric of the region is frayed, with a significant portion of the population living below the poverty line. High levels of unemployment, particularly among the youth, exacerbate this situation, leaving many without viable means of support or opportunity for advancement. The lack of economic prospects has contributed to feelings of disenfranchisement and frustration, which can lead to social unrest and a susceptibility to extremist ideologies.

In addition to these economic challenges, the Sahel is grappling with political instability that undermines governance and the rule of law. Weak state institutions, coupled with corruption and a lack of accountability, have eroded public trust in government. This vacuum of authority often creates fertile ground for non-state actors, including violent extremist groups, to thrive. These groups exploit the existing grievances of the population, positioning themselves as alternatives to ineffective state structures, further complicating the political landscape.

Environmental changes, particularly the impacts of climate change, have also played a significant role in shaping the Sahel’s challenges. The region is experiencing increasingly severe droughts, desertification, and fluctuations in rainfall patterns, which threaten agricultural productivity and food security. As communities struggle to adapt to these changes, competition for scarce resources such as water and arable land intensifies, leading to conflicts that can spiral into violence. This environmental degradation not only affects livelihoods but also exacerbates existing tensions, making it more difficult to achieve sustainable peace.

The confluence of these factors has created a precarious situation in the Sahel, where violent extremism has surged in recent years. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), over 33,000 individuals have lost their lives due to violent extremist attacks in the Sahel since 2011. This staggering figure highlights the urgent need for comprehensive strategies that address not only the symptoms of violence but also the underlying socio-economic and political issues that fuel it.

Understanding the Sahel context requires a nuanced analysis of the interplay between poverty, unemployment, political instability, and environmental challenges. Addressing these interconnected issues is essential for fostering resilience in the region and mitigating the rise of violent extremism. As stakeholders work towards solutions, it is crucial to prioritize inclusive development, good governance, and climate adaptation strategies to build a more stable and prosperous future for the Sahelian people.

The Role of TVET in Countering Violent Extremism

In recent years, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has emerged as a vital educational strategy aimed at equipping individuals with the practical skills and knowledge essential for meaningful employment. This approach is especially relevant in the context of the Sahel region, where socio-economic challenges are prevalent, and the threat of violent extremism looms large. The significance of TVET in countering violent extremism can be understood through several interconnected dimensions:

1. Employment Opportunities:

One of the most critical ways in which TVET serves as a countermeasure to violent extremism is by providing youth with the necessary skills required for gainful employment. In many regions, particularly in the Sahel, high unemployment rates and limited job prospects create a fertile ground for extremist groups seeking to recruit disillusioned and marginalized young individuals. By offering targeted training programs that align with the demands of the local job market, TVET enables youth to secure stable employment, thereby reducing their vulnerability to radicalization. Access to job opportunities fosters a sense of purpose and belonging, which can deter individuals from considering extremist ideologies as viable alternatives.

2. Social Inclusion:

Another crucial aspect of TVET is its role in promoting social inclusion and reducing marginalization—two significant drivers of violent extremism. Many young individuals in the Sahel face social exclusion based on factors such as economic status, education level, or ethnic background. By providing equitable access to education and vocational training, TVET helps bridge social divides and fosters a sense of community and belonging among diverse groups. This inclusivity not only empowers individuals but also promotes social cohesion, reducing the likelihood of conflict and violence. When individuals feel valued and included in society, they are less likely to be swayed by extremist narratives that exploit feelings of alienation and disenfranchisement.

3. Building Resilience:

TVET also plays a pivotal role in building resilience among individuals and communities, equipping them with the skills necessary to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions. In an ever-evolving world marked by technological advancements and economic fluctuations, the ability to acquire new skills and adapt to market demands is paramount. TVET programs are designed to be flexible and responsive, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the job market. This adaptability not only enhances individual employability but also strengthens community resilience against the socio-economic factors that can lead to radicalization. When individuals possess the skills to thrive in their environments, they are less susceptible to the allure of extremist groups that promise quick solutions to their problems.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) serves as a powerful tool in the fight against violent extremism, particularly in the Sahel region. By providing youth with essential employment opportunities, promoting social inclusion, and fostering resilience, TVET addresses some of the root causes that contribute to radicalization. As communities and nations continue to grapple with the challenges posed by violent extremism, investing in TVET initiatives should be viewed as a critical component of a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering peace, stability, and sustainable development. Through education and empowerment, we can help build a future where individuals are equipped to pursue constructive paths, ultimately leading to a more secure and harmonious society.

Case Study: TVET in Mali

A case in point is Mali, where TVET has been used as a strategy to counter violent extremism. The European Union and the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) have been implementing a TVET program in Mali since 2015. The program focuses on sectors with high employment potential, such as agriculture, construction, and renewable energy.

According to GIZ, the program has trained over 20,000 young people, with 80% of the graduates finding employment or starting their own businesses. This has not only improved their socio-economic status but also reduced their vulnerability to recruitment by extremist groups.

Challenges and Recommendations for TVET Implementation in the Sahel

The implementation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Sahel region holds significant promise for fostering economic development and enhancing individual livelihoods. However, this potential is hindered by a myriad of challenges that must be addressed to ensure the effective deployment of such educational programs. Among the most pressing obstacles are inadequate funding, a lack of quality assurance mechanisms, and the disruption of educational activities caused by violent extremism.


1. Inadequate Funding: One of the foremost challenges facing TVET in the Sahel is the chronic underfunding of educational initiatives. Many governments in the region struggle with limited budgets and competing priorities, which results in insufficient resources allocated for vocational training programs. This financial shortfall affects the infrastructure, equipment, and instructional quality necessary for effective training.

2. Lack of Quality Assurance: Another significant hurdle is the absence of robust quality assurance mechanisms. Without these systems in place, there is a risk that TVET programs will not adequately align with the needs of the labor market. This misalignment can lead to a skills gap, where graduates are not equipped with the relevant competencies required by employers, ultimately limiting their employability.

3. Security Concerns: The Sahel region is also grappling with the destabilizing effects of violent extremism, which has led to the disruption of educational activities. Attacks on educational institutions and the intimidation of students and educators create an environment of fear, further exacerbating the challenges faced by TVET programs. This insecurity not only deters enrollment but also affects the retention of both students and qualified instructors.


To effectively tackle these challenges and unlock the full potential of TVET in the Sahel, the following comprehensive recommendations are proposed:

1. Increased Funding:It is imperative for both national governments and international donors to significantly enhance their financial support for TVET programs within the Sahel. This can be achieved through the establishment of targeted funding initiatives, public-private partnerships, and international cooperation. By ensuring adequate financial resources, stakeholders can invest in necessary infrastructure, modern equipment, and skilled instructors to create high-quality vocational training programs.

2. Establishment of Quality Assurance Mechanisms: There is an urgent need to develop and implement quality assurance frameworks that can evaluate and improve the effectiveness of TVET programs. These mechanisms should involve collaboration between educational institutions and industry stakeholders to ensure that training curricula are relevant and responsive to the evolving demands of the labor market. Regular assessments and feedback loops can help maintain high standards and continuously adapt to new challenges.

3. Implementation of Security Measures: To safeguard educational institutions from extremist threats, governments must prioritize the implementation of comprehensive security measures. This could include the establishment of protective barriers around schools, the deployment of security personnel, and the development of contingency plans to respond to potential attacks. Additionally, creating a safe and supportive learning environment will encourage student enrollment and participation, contributing to the overall success of TVET programs.


ALG supports governments, civil society organisations ant development agencies to implement their programs in the Sahel countries. This articles builds on our overall experience in the region. It shows that  TVET is a strategic approach to counter violent extremism in the Sahel. By providing youth with practical skills for employment, TVET reduces their vulnerability to recruitment by extremist groups. However, for TVET to be effective, there is a need for increased funding, quality assurance, and security measures. With these in place, TVET can play a significant role in promoting peace and stability in the Sahel.

For more information, contact our Team dedicated to the Sahel: [email protected] 

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Strategies and plans in steering development in African countries

ALG provides high-level expertise for the design, updating or evaluation of development strategies and plans.

The sustainable and inclusive development of African countries is a complex challenge that requires strategic approaches and well-defined plans. The importance of strategies and plans in steering this development cannot be underestimated. Indeed, these tools are essential levers for mobilizing resources, guiding public policies and ensuring the coherence of actions carried out at all levels. More and more countries and sub-state entities on the continent are designing this type of document.

Long-term vision and coherence of actions

Development strategies provide a clear vision of the objectives to be achieved, thus making it possible to direct efforts towards a desired future. In Africa, where the challenges are numerous — poverty, inequalities, climate change — it is crucial to establish priorities that meet the specific needs of each country. Well-developed plans ensure that actions are coherent and aligned with common objectives, which is essential to avoid isolated and scattered initiatives that could undermine the effectiveness of interventions. The process of developing these plans must meet certain requirements so that the vision is acceptable and shared by the majority of those concerned.

Resource mobilization

A solid strategy also helps to better mobilize financial, human and material resources. In a context where funds available for development may be limited, it is imperative to identify sources of financing, whether international aid, private investment or domestic resources. Development plans help to clearly articulate financial needs and justify investments, demonstrating the potential impact of projects on the socio-economic development of countries. Whether it is a national plan, a regional plan or a local plan, each requires a resource mobilization strategy.

Institutional capacity building

Strategies and plans contribute to strengthening the capacities of public institutions and local actors. In countries with weak administrative structures, it is essential to build robust systems that can effectively manage development processes. Well-designed plans integrate training, resources and monitoring mechanisms that enable institutions to function optimally, thereby ensuring effective policy implementation.

Stakeholder Engagement

Implementing development strategies requires the involvement of various stakeholders, including governments, civil society, the private sector and local communities. Inclusive plans foster dialogue and collaboration among these different actors, creating an ecosystem conducive to development. In Africa, where cultural and socio-economic diversity is great, it is essential to ensure that the voices of all segments of the population are heard and taken into account in defining development priorities. ALG has worked over the past few years on the establishment of community development plans in half a dozen countries on the continent. The approach followed has enabled broad consultations; which have helped to align the development offer of central authorities with the demand for development of grassroots actors.

Monitoring and evaluation of results

Strategies and plans also make it possible to establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, which are essential for measuring the impact of the actions undertaken. In Africa, where data can sometimes be lacking, it is crucial to establish clear indicators to assess the progress made. This not only allows for accountability, but also for interventions to be adjusted according to the results observed, thus ensuring continuous improvement of development policies. This type of intervention requires expertise that ALG makes available to partners who call upon us.

In short, development strategies and plans are essential for steering progress in Africa. They provide a clear roadmap, facilitate resource mobilization, strengthen institutional capacities, involve stakeholders and allow for rigorous monitoring of results. By investing in well-designed strategies and adapting them to local realities, African countries cannot only overcome current challenges, but also build a prosperous and sustainable future for their people. Now is the time to act decisively

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Providing high expertise on local development in Africa

Providing high expertise on local development in Africa

Providing High Expertise on Local Development in Africa

Providing high expertise on local development in Africa

As Africa continues to experience rapid economic growth, the need for high expertise in local development has never been more critical. This article explores the importance of providing high expertise in local development in Africa, the challenges faced, and the strategies that can be employed to overcome these challenges.

The Importance of High Expertise in Local Development

High expertise in local development is crucial for several reasons:

  • It promotes sustainable development: Experts can provide guidance on how to utilize local resources sustainably, ensuring long-term growth.
  • It fosters innovation: High expertise can lead to the development of innovative solutions tailored to local needs and conditions.
  • It enhances capacity building: By transferring knowledge and skills, experts can help build the capacity of local communities, enabling them to drive their own development.

Challenges in Providing High Expertise

Despite its importance, providing high expertise in local development in Africa is not without challenges. These include:

  • Limited resources: Many African countries lack the financial resources needed to attract and retain high-level experts.
  • Insufficient infrastructure: Poor infrastructure can hinder the delivery of expertise, particularly in remote areas.
  • Language barriers: With over 2000 languages spoken across the continent, communication can be a significant challenge.

Case Study: The Role of High Expertise in Rwanda’s Development

Rwanda provides a compelling example of how high expertise can drive local development. Following the 1994 genocide, Rwanda embarked on a journey of reconstruction and development. High expertise played a crucial role in this process. For instance, experts from various fields helped design and implement the Vision 2020 development program, which aimed to transform Rwanda into a middle-income country by 2020. As a result, Rwanda has made significant strides in areas such as health, education, and ICT, demonstrating the transformative power of high expertise.

Strategies for Providing High Expertise

Given the challenges, several strategies can be employed to provide high expertise in local development in Africa:

  • Partnerships: Collaborations with international organizations, NGOs, and universities can help attract high-level expertise.
  • Capacity building: Investing in education and training can help build local expertise.
  • Technology: Digital platforms can be used to deliver expertise to remote areas, overcoming infrastructure challenges.


Providing high expertise in local development is crucial for Africa’s sustainable growth. While challenges exist, they can be overcome through strategic partnerships, capacity building, and the use of technology. As the case of Rwanda demonstrates, high expertise can drive innovation, promote sustainable development, and transform societies. Therefore, investing in high expertise should be a priority for all stakeholders committed to Africa’s development.

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The Crucial Role of Accountability in Local Governance: Insights from Africa

Title: The Crucial Role of Accountability in Local Governance: Insights from Africa

Accountability forms the bedrock of effective local governance, promoting transparency, integrity, and trust between citizens and their local authorities. It encompasses various aspects such as planning, programming, service delivery, and monitoring and evaluation. This article delves into the significance of accountability in local governance, drawing insights from several examples and case studies across Africa

1. Planning:Accountability in local governance begins with robust planning processes that involve citizens and stakeholders. By engaging the community in decision-making, accountability is fostered as local authorities are held responsible for fulfilling their commitments. In Uganda, the Participatory Integrated Development Planning (PIDP) approach has empowered communities to actively participate in local planning, resulting in successful projects and improved service delivery

2. Programming:Effective programming is essential to address the diverse needs of local communities. Accountability ensures that funds allocated for projects are utilized appropriately and that the programs are implemented as intended. South Africa’s Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is a notable example. By providing employment opportunities, the EPWP has uplifted disadvantaged communities while being subject to rigorous monitoring and evaluation, ensuring transparency and accountability

3. Service Delivery:Accountability plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and equitable service delivery to citizens. It holds local authorities responsible for providing essential services such as water, sanitation, healthcare, and education. In Kenya, the Huduma Centres have been instrumental in improving service delivery by offering a one-stop-shop for various government services. The centers are monitored through citizen feedback mechanisms and performance evaluations, promoting accountability and responsiveness

4. Monitoring and Evaluation:Accountability is reinforced through robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that track the progress and impact of programs and projects. These mechanisms enable local authorities to identify areas for improvement and ensure resources are utilized optimally. In Ghana, the District League Table (DLT) has been introduced to monitor the performance of local governments. This ranking system enables citizens to hold their local authorities accountable for service delivery and promotes healthy competition among districts

Accountability serves as a cornerstone for effective local governance in Africa, fostering transparency, citizen participation, and trust. Through inclusive planning, responsible programming, improved service delivery, and rigorous monitoring and evaluation, local authorities can be held accountable for their actions and decisions. The examples and case studies highlighted in this article demonstrate the transformative power of accountability in improving the lives of citizens and ensuring the efficient utilization of resources. As Africa continues to strive for sustainable development, accountability in local governance remains crucial for achieving equitable and responsive governance systems.

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Violent Extremism and disinformation in the Sahel countries

Violent Extremism and Disinformation in the Sahel Countries

The Sahel region, a semi-arid belt of land in Africa stretching from Senegal to Sudan, has been a hotbed of violent extremism and disinformation. This article explores the interplay between these two phenomena, their implications, and potential solutions.

The Rise of Violent Extremism

Over the past decade, the Sahel has seen a surge in violent extremism. Groups such as Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) have exploited the region’s socio-economic vulnerabilities to establish a foothold.

  • Boko Haram: Originating from Nigeria, Boko Haram has carried out numerous attacks in the Lake Chad Basin, causing widespread displacement and humanitarian crises.
  • AQIM: AQIM has been active in the Sahel since the early 2000s, primarily in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso.
  • ISGS: ISGS emerged more recently, capitalizing on local grievances and inter-communal conflicts to expand its influence.

Disinformation as a Tool of Extremism

Disinformation plays a crucial role in the strategies of these extremist groups. They use it to recruit members, incite violence, and undermine state authority. For instance, they often spread false narratives about government corruption or religious persecution to stoke resentment and justify their actions.

Case Study: The 2012 Mali Coup

In 2012, disinformation contributed to a military coup in Mali. Extremist groups exploited political instability and ethnic tensions, spreading false information about the government’s alleged complicity in atrocities. This disinformation campaign helped to create a climate of fear and mistrust, paving the way for the coup.

The Impact of Violent Extremism and Disinformation

The combination of violent extremism and disinformation has had devastating effects on the Sahel region. It has not only led to loss of life and displacement but also hindered development efforts and exacerbated existing challenges such as poverty, food insecurity, and climate change.

Addressing the Challenge

Addressing violent extremism and disinformation in the Sahel requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes:

  • Strengthening State Capacity: Governments need to improve their ability to provide basic services, enforce the rule of law, and counter disinformation.
  • Community Engagement: Local communities must be involved in efforts to prevent radicalization and promote social cohesion.
  • Regional and International Cooperation: Given the transnational nature of these challenges, cooperation at the regional and international levels is crucial.


Violent extremism and disinformation pose significant threats to peace and stability in the Sahel. While the situation is complex, with no easy solutions, it is clear that a comprehensive approach involving state capacity building, community engagement, and regional and international cooperation is needed. By understanding the dynamics of these challenges, we can work towards a more peaceful and prosperous Sahel.

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Accelerated Community Development Program (PADC) in Mauritania

  • Client: UNDP
  • Location: Mauritania
  • Period: May-August 2023

The feasibility study examined the viability of the Accelerated Community Development Program (PADC) in Mauritania and will assess whether it is likely to become a vehicle for promoting accelerated community development in line with governments’ pro-poor objectives. Specifically, the feasibility study will:

For Mauritania, its alignment with the SCAPP, the ProPEP, the priority initiative for opening up, and accelerating the digital desert, and its climate change mitigation objectives as indicated in the country’s nationally determined contribution (NDC);
Consult with key stakeholders, especially at the community level, including beneficiaries, local and central government officials, and community groups, but also technical and financial partners, to gather the necessary information and data that will maintain the relevance of PADC interventions to ensure ownership and sustainability
Develop detailed costing of PADC interventions disaggregated at regional and local levels, including detailed budgeting for all interventions such as rural roads, on-grid energy solutions, water supply, and agricultural (production and processing) equipment, livestock products and land development where needed, markets, and education and health facilities. The cost should include all direct and indirect costs of infrastructure upkeep and maintenance, including strengthening local capacity for operation and maintenance.
Review current institutional settings and propose optimal institutional oversight with defined roles and responsibilities and capacity needs of key national and subnational stakeholders that will ensure sustainability of PADC interventions.
Develop a cost-benefit analysis highlighting the likely benefits and outcomes for countries and communities, particularly the economic and social returns of the PADC
Identify potential partners and implementation modalities, including targeting and exit strategy.
Formulate a detailed and targeted resource mobilization strategy through assessment of government budgets as well as identification of international financial institutions and donors interested in financing development projects in Mauritania.

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Final Evaluation of the PROTEJEM program

**Final Evaluation of PROTEJEM Program**

**Client:** Save the Children International / Terre des Hommes
**Location:** Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Senegal
**Period of Implementation:** August – December 2023

The PROTEJEM program, aimed at safeguarding vulnerable children and promoting their rights in West Africa, underwent a comprehensive final evaluation conducted by ALG. This evaluation was designed to assess the program’s effectiveness, measure its impact, and identify lessons learned to inform future initiatives.

**Evaluation Objectives**
The primary objectives of the final evaluation were to:
1. Evaluate the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the program in achieving its intended outcomes.
2. Assess the relevance and sustainability of the interventions implemented.
3. Gather feedback from stakeholders, including beneficiaries, to gauge satisfaction levels and areas for improvement.

The evaluation employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data collection through surveys and qualitative insights through interviews and focus group discussions. Stakeholders from the target countries—Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, and Senegal—were engaged to provide a comprehensive view of the program’s impact.

**Key Findings**
1. **Effectiveness:** The PROTEJEM program demonstrated significant success in enhancing child protection mechanisms across the targeted regions. Most beneficiaries reported increased awareness of their rights and access to protective services.

2. **Stakeholder Satisfaction:** Feedback from local partners and beneficiaries indicated a high level of satisfaction with the program’s implementation. Many stakeholders highlighted the program’s responsiveness to local needs and its adaptability to the socio-cultural context.

3. **Sustainability:** The evaluation found that the program has laid a strong foundation for sustainability through capacity-building initiatives with local organizations, ensuring continued support for child protection efforts beyond the program’s duration.

4. **Challenges:** Despite the successes, some challenges were identified, including logistical constraints and varying levels of engagement among local communities, which could be addressed in future programming.

The final evaluation of the PROTEJEM program has concluded with positive outcomes, reflecting the commitment and effectiveness of Save the Children International and Terre des Hommes in promoting child rights and protection in West Africa. The findings underscore the importance of community engagement and capacity building for sustainable impact.

1. Continue strengthening partnerships with local organizations to enhance community ownership of child protection initiatives.
2. Address logistical challenges to improve program delivery and accessibility in remote areas.
3. Expand monitoring and evaluation frameworks to capture long-term impacts and inform future programming.

The successful implementation of the PROTEJEM program serves as a model for future child protection initiatives in the region, and ALG is pleased to have contributed to this important work.

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Definition of the community vision of housing in the UEMOA area

The Assignment

The overall objective of the mission is to define a community vision and develop a regional housing strategy, with a view to enabling the UEMOA Commission to position itself in the housing sector and to create a network of partners with national, regional or international stakeholders.

ALG is responsible for providing technical support to the UEMOA Commission, through the departments involved in the implementation of the Promotion of Affordable Housing Financing (PFLA) and the development and elaboration of regulatory tools (directive & harmonization of texts) and in the definition of a regional housing strategy. The firm is associated in this mission with two architectural firms: Orule Architecture and Urba Tropiques.

More specifically, it involves: “Co-constructing with stakeholders the tools promoting the implementation of a strengthened regional policy in the field of affordable housing production, in line with the objectives and recommendations of the Millennium Development Declaration”.

Assist the UEMOA commission in the development of a regulatory framework document for the production of affordable housing.

Challenges and Strategic Approach

The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), which includes member states such as Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo, faces significant housing challenges. The community vision for housing in the UEMOA area emphasizes the need for accessible, affordable, and sustainable housing solutions that cater to the growing urban population while promoting social equity and economic development.


1. Urbanization Pressure: Rapid urbanization has led to a surge in housing demand, often outpacing supply. This has resulted in the proliferation of informal settlements and inadequate housing conditions.

2. Financial Constraints: Limited access to affordable financing options hampers both individual homebuyers and housing developers. High-interest rates, lack of mortgage products, and insufficient investment in housing infrastructure pose significant barriers.

3. Policy and Regulatory Framework: Inconsistent policies and regulatory environments across member states complicate the implementation of housing initiatives. There is often a lack of coordination among governmental bodies, leading to fragmented approaches to housing development.

4. Social Inequality: Marginalized groups, including women, youth, and low-income households, frequently face discrimination in accessing housing. This exacerbates social inequalities and hinders community cohesion.

5. Environmental Sustainability: With increasing climate change impacts, there is a pressing need for sustainable housing solutions that minimize environmental degradation and enhance resilience to natural disasters.

Strategic Approach

1. Integrated Housing Policies: UEMOA member states should develop comprehensive housing policies that align with regional goals. These policies must promote inclusivity, ensure equitable access to housing, and facilitate the development of affordable housing projects.

2. Financial Innovations: Encouraging the development of innovative financing mechanisms, such as microfinance, public-private partnerships, and housing cooperatives, can enhance access to housing finance. Additionally, establishing a regional housing fund could support low-income housing initiatives.

3. Capacity Building and Training: Enhancing the skills of local authorities, architects, and builders through training programs can improve the quality of housing. Knowledge-sharing initiatives among member states can also foster best practices in housing development.

4. Community Engagement: Involving communities in the planning and implementation of housing projects ensures that developments meet local needs. Participatory approaches can empower residents, leading to more sustainable and accepted housing solutions.

5. Sustainable Development Practice: Integrating sustainable construction methods and materials into housing projects can mitigate environmental impacts. Promoting energy-efficient designs and green spaces within urban areas will contribute to healthier living conditions.

The community vision for housing in the UEMOA area must address the multifaceted challenges of urbanization, finance, policy, social inequality, and sustainability. By adopting a strategic approach that encompasses integrated policies, innovative financing, capacity building, community engagement, and sustainable practices, UEMOA can pave the way for a more equitable and resilient housing landscape. This vision not only seeks to improve living conditions but also strengthens the socio-economic fabric of the region, fostering inclusive growth for all its inhabitants.

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Strategy to combat electoral corruption in Burkina Faso

The initiative for developing an anti-corruption strategy comes from the High Authority for State Control and the Fight against Corruption (ASCE-LC) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). Both entities are supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

ALG has been mandated to provide its expertise in the process of developing the strategy. The firm’s mission is to conduct an in-depth study on electoral corruption in Burkina Faso, with an emphasis on understanding the root causes, manifestations and consequences of this phenomenon. The mission also involves developing a comprehensive strategy to combat electoral corruption, while engaging in a participatory approach with the main stakeholders involved in the electoral process. The firm will have to propose a monitoring and evaluation system to ensure the effective implementation of the recommended actions and develop a budget for carrying out these activities over a period of five years.

The study aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Conduct a diagnosis: Identify, analyze and comprehensively document the different facets of electoral corruption, highlighting its underlying causes, concrete manifestations and consequences on the integrity of the electoral process
  • Develop an Action Plan: Formulate a comprehensive strategy and specific actions to effectively combat electoral corruption. This strategy should include preventive, corrective and dissuasive measures, while being adapted to the Burkinabe context.
  • Propose a monitoring and evaluation system: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to measure the implementation of the recommended actions, assess their effectiveness and make adjustments if necessary. This system will ensure transparency and accountability in the fight against electoral corruption.
  • Develop a Multi-Year Budget: Develop a detailed budget covering a three-year period (a three-year action plan from 2024 to 2026) in order to guarantee the necessary funding to effectively implement the strategy to combat electoral corruption. This budget must be realistic and kept up to date throughout the execution period.
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