The overall objective is to improve the practice and consideration of gender in the programmatic cycle of TdH partners. This objective was pursued by focusing the Gender aspect on Children’s Rights and by paying particular attention to the elements of the TdH Action Plan, namely the fight against the Worst Forms of Child Labor (WFCL) and violence, trafficking and migration, the right to education and food, youth participation, and impact measurement.
- Mission title: Training partners in taking gender into account in the program cycle
- Client: Terre des Hommes
- Country: Burkina Faso
- Year: 2014
Services provided:
Improve Terre des Hommes’ partners knowledge and practice on gender for better promotion of children’s rights
Equip our partners on gender integration techniques in the program cycle (Analysis of the gender and children’s rights situation, planning, implementation, gender and rights in monitoring and evaluation, etc.)
ALG team of experts for this mission:
- NUMBER Issa, Head of mission (gender specialist)
- TOE Elise, Trainer (monitoring and evaluation specialist)