ALG deployed a mission of experts who worked actively with national experts mobilized by the State to conduct research and consultations. A project document was developed and adopted following a diagnosis of the state of rural infrastructure and the needs expressed by stakeholders in the nine provinces of the country.
1. Support and assist the Government’s provincial consultation missions.
The purpose of these missions is to consult the main stakeholders, particularly at the community level, including beneficiaries (populations, SMEs/SMIs, small informal units), local and central government officials, and community groups, as well as technical and financial partners, to collect the necessary information and data that will maintain the relevance of PUDC interventions to ensure ownership and sustainability.
2. Establish a comprehensive inventory based on consultations and data collection (infrastructure, social services and economic potential) based on a matrix of indicators previously discussed and validated by the mission’s Technical Committee.
3. Develop a detailed costing of the PUDC interventions disaggregated at the provincial
and local levels, including:
– A georeferenced table of infrastructure and service needs for each of the
identified areas (health, water, clean energy, including the solar health component,
education/training, access roads, income-generating activities), and for each
– An estimate of the investment cost for each achievement, and an overall budget.
A detailed budgeting for all interventions such as rural roads, on the grid
of energy solutions, water supply, and agricultural (production and
processing) equipment, livestock products and the development of agricultural land where
needed, markets and education and health facilities. The
cost should include all direct and indirect costs of maintaining and maintaining
the infrastructure, including strengthening local operation and maintenance capacities. – Discussions with national construction companies to triangulate cost elements
– An estimate of the time frame for completion
The question of demand and likely use of PUDC products will be crucial in
the feasibility study, including the feasibility and sustainability of a PUDC-type solution
including elements such as:
a. Management,
b. Operational costs,
c. Potential income
4. Develop the nine (09) local development plans (PLD) that transpose the
National Transition Development Plan (PNDT) to the local level and also integrate,
but are not limited to, the following axes:
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United Nations Development Programme
(i) In-depth analysis of all sectors/sectors/branches of activity existing
in the province; (ii) Employment/entrepreneurship profile of each province;
(iii) Analysis of current territorial dynamics and potential levers for local economic development, creating sustainable jobs;
(iv) Identification and analysis of promising niches as well as economic opportunities to encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and job creation;
(v) Strategy for the development of the private sector, entrepreneurship and employment and to drive genuine sustainable development at the local level.
6. Develop a cost-benefit analysis highlighting the advantages and probable results for countries and communities, in particular the economic and social returns of the PUDC.
7. Develop the PUDC Gabon project document, based on a template previously validated with the UNDP and the Government.
8. Formulate a detailed and targeted resource mobilization strategy through
the assessment of the government budget as well as the identification of international financial institutions
and donors interested in financing PUDC Gabon.