Directory of cultural organizations in West Africa

The general objective of the project of which this contract is a part is as follows: “Support the development of exchanges, networks and cooperation between cultural actors in the region with a view to building a common cultural space.”

The specific objective of the project is to enable the increase in the circulation and promotion of actors, works and cultural information within the region through the development of synergies, complementarities, collaborations and partnerships between cultural actors in the region, through subsidies.

The specific objective of this contract is as follows: Provide the West African cultural sector with an educational and information tool to promote contacts between non-state actors in the sector and thus contribute to the creation and strengthening of regional networks.

The directory includes cultural organizations from the 15 ECOWAS countries and Mauritania.

ALG carried out this mission in 2009, on behalf of UEMOA and ECOWAS, with funding from the European Union.

Categories: Capacity Building | Projects | Study & Research