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Accelerated Community Development Program (PADC) in Mauritania

  • Client: UNDP
  • Location: Mauritania
  • Period: May-August 2023

The feasibility study examined the viability of the Accelerated Community Development Program (PADC) in Mauritania and will assess whether it is likely to become a vehicle for promoting accelerated community development in line with governments’ pro-poor objectives. Specifically, the feasibility study will:

For Mauritania, its alignment with the SCAPP, the ProPEP, the priority initiative for opening up, and accelerating the digital desert, and its climate change mitigation objectives as indicated in the country’s nationally determined contribution (NDC);
Consult with key stakeholders, especially at the community level, including beneficiaries, local and central government officials, and community groups, but also technical and financial partners, to gather the necessary information and data that will maintain the relevance of PADC interventions to ensure ownership and sustainability
Develop detailed costing of PADC interventions disaggregated at regional and local levels, including detailed budgeting for all interventions such as rural roads, on-grid energy solutions, water supply, and agricultural (production and processing) equipment, livestock products and land development where needed, markets, and education and health facilities. The cost should include all direct and indirect costs of infrastructure upkeep and maintenance, including strengthening local capacity for operation and maintenance.
Review current institutional settings and propose optimal institutional oversight with defined roles and responsibilities and capacity needs of key national and subnational stakeholders that will ensure sustainability of PADC interventions.
Develop a cost-benefit analysis highlighting the likely benefits and outcomes for countries and communities, particularly the economic and social returns of the PADC
Identify potential partners and implementation modalities, including targeting and exit strategy.
Formulate a detailed and targeted resource mobilization strategy through assessment of government budgets as well as identification of international financial institutions and donors interested in financing development projects in Mauritania.

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Etude de faisabilité d’un Programme Accéléré de Développement Communautaire (PADC) pour le Niger

ALG a réalisé l’étude du PADC au Niger, dont le rapport final a été validé en mai 2024 par les parties prenantes à Niamey.

  • Client: PNUD
  • Pays: Niger
  • Période: Mai-Aôut 2023

L’étude de faisabilité a examiné la viabilité du Programme Accéléré de Développement Communautaire (PADC) au Niger et évaluera si elle est susceptible de devenir un vecteur de promotion d’un développement communautaire accéléré conformément aux objectifs pro-pauvres des gouvernements. Plus précisément, l’étude de faisabilité permettra de :

  • Établir la justification et la pertinence d’un modèle de type PUDC dans les contextes des pays, y compris son alignement avec le plan de développement national actuel du gouvernement du Niger (PDES-2022/2026) et sa vision à long terme (SDCCI), ainsi que les zones (villes et villages) d’interventions.
  • Consulter les principales parties prenantes, en particulier au niveau communautaire, y compris les bénéficiaires, les responsables du gouvernement local et central, et groupes communautaires, mais aussi les partenaires techniques et financiers, pour recueillir les informations et les données nécessaires qui maintiendront la pertinence des interventions du PADC pour assurer l’appropriation et la pérennité
  • Élaborer un chiffrage détaillé des interventions du PADC désagrégé aux niveaux régional et local, y compris une budgétisation détaillée pour toutes les interventions telles que les routes rurales, sur la grille de solutions énergétiques, approvisionnement en eau, et équipements (de production et de transformation) agricoles, des produits d’élevage et l’aménagement des terres agricoles là où ils sont nécessaires, des marchés et des établissements d’enseignement et de santé. Le coût doit inclure tous les coûts directs et indirects d’entretien et de maintenance de l’infrastructure, y compris le renforcement des capacités locales d’exploitation et d’entretien.
  • Examiner les paramètres institutionnels actuels et proposer une supervision institutionnelle optimale avec des rôles et des responsabilités définis et les besoins en capacités des principales parties prenantes nationales et infranationales qui assureront la pérennité des interventions du PADC.
  • Développer une analyse coût-bénéfice mettant en évidence les avantages et les résultats probables pour les pays et les communautés, en particulier les rendements économiques et sociaux du PADC
  • Identifier les partenaires potentiels et les modalités de mise en œuvre, y compris le ciblage et la stratégie de sortie.
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Final Evaluation of the PROTEJEM program

**Final Evaluation of PROTEJEM Program**

**Client:** Save the Children International / Terre des Hommes
**Location:** Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Senegal
**Period of Implementation:** August – December 2023

The PROTEJEM program, aimed at safeguarding vulnerable children and promoting their rights in West Africa, underwent a comprehensive final evaluation conducted by ALG. This evaluation was designed to assess the program’s effectiveness, measure its impact, and identify lessons learned to inform future initiatives.

**Evaluation Objectives**
The primary objectives of the final evaluation were to:
1. Evaluate the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the program in achieving its intended outcomes.
2. Assess the relevance and sustainability of the interventions implemented.
3. Gather feedback from stakeholders, including beneficiaries, to gauge satisfaction levels and areas for improvement.

The evaluation employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data collection through surveys and qualitative insights through interviews and focus group discussions. Stakeholders from the target countries—Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, and Senegal—were engaged to provide a comprehensive view of the program’s impact.

**Key Findings**
1. **Effectiveness:** The PROTEJEM program demonstrated significant success in enhancing child protection mechanisms across the targeted regions. Most beneficiaries reported increased awareness of their rights and access to protective services.

2. **Stakeholder Satisfaction:** Feedback from local partners and beneficiaries indicated a high level of satisfaction with the program’s implementation. Many stakeholders highlighted the program’s responsiveness to local needs and its adaptability to the socio-cultural context.

3. **Sustainability:** The evaluation found that the program has laid a strong foundation for sustainability through capacity-building initiatives with local organizations, ensuring continued support for child protection efforts beyond the program’s duration.

4. **Challenges:** Despite the successes, some challenges were identified, including logistical constraints and varying levels of engagement among local communities, which could be addressed in future programming.

The final evaluation of the PROTEJEM program has concluded with positive outcomes, reflecting the commitment and effectiveness of Save the Children International and Terre des Hommes in promoting child rights and protection in West Africa. The findings underscore the importance of community engagement and capacity building for sustainable impact.

1. Continue strengthening partnerships with local organizations to enhance community ownership of child protection initiatives.
2. Address logistical challenges to improve program delivery and accessibility in remote areas.
3. Expand monitoring and evaluation frameworks to capture long-term impacts and inform future programming.

The successful implementation of the PROTEJEM program serves as a model for future child protection initiatives in the region, and ALG is pleased to have contributed to this important work.

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Définition de la vision communautaire de l’habitat dans l’espace UEMOA

L’objectif global de la mission est de définir une vision communautaire et de développer une stratégie régionale de l’habitat, en vue de permettre à la commission de l’UEMOA de se positionner dans le secteur du logement et de créer un réseau de partenaires avec les acteurs nationaux, régionaux ou internationaux.

ALG est chargé d’appuyer techniquement la Commission de l’UEMOA, à travers les directions impliquées dans la mise en œuvre du Promotion du Financement du Logement Abordable (PFLA) et le développement et l’élaboration des outils réglementaires (directive & harmonisation des textes) et dans la définition d’une stratégie régionale de l’Habitat. La firme est associée dans cette mission avec deux cabinets d’architecture : Orule Architecture et Urba Tropiques.

Plus spécifiquement il s’agit de : “Co-construire avec les parties prenantes les outils favorisant la mise en place d’une politique régionale renforcée dans le domaine de la production du logement abordable, en lien avec les objectifs et les recommandations de la déclaration du Millénaire pour le développement”.

Assister la commission de l’UEMOA, dans l’élaboration de document cadre réglementaire en matière de production de logement abordable.

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Strategy to combat electoral corruption in Burkina Faso

The initiative for developing an anti-corruption strategy comes from the High Authority for State Control and the Fight against Corruption (ASCE-LC) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). Both entities are supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

ALG has been mandated to provide its expertise in the process of developing the strategy. The firm’s mission is to conduct an in-depth study on electoral corruption in Burkina Faso, with an emphasis on understanding the root causes, manifestations and consequences of this phenomenon. The mission also involves developing a comprehensive strategy to combat electoral corruption, while engaging in a participatory approach with the main stakeholders involved in the electoral process. The firm will have to propose a monitoring and evaluation system to ensure the effective implementation of the recommended actions and develop a budget for carrying out these activities over a period of five years.

The study aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Conduct a diagnosis: Identify, analyze and comprehensively document the different facets of electoral corruption, highlighting its underlying causes, concrete manifestations and consequences on the integrity of the electoral process
  • Develop an Action Plan: Formulate a comprehensive strategy and specific actions to effectively combat electoral corruption. This strategy should include preventive, corrective and dissuasive measures, while being adapted to the Burkinabe context.
  • Propose a monitoring and evaluation system: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to measure the implementation of the recommended actions, assess their effectiveness and make adjustments if necessary. This system will ensure transparency and accountability in the fight against electoral corruption.
  • Develop a Multi-Year Budget: Develop a detailed budget covering a three-year period (a three-year action plan from 2024 to 2026) in order to guarantee the necessary funding to effectively implement the strategy to combat electoral corruption. This budget must be realistic and kept up to date throughout the execution period.
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