About this opportunity
ALG is in the process of submitting a proposal to a major international organization to manage a training program for executives health sector in Africa. To this end, we are looking for a Program Manager ambition to ensure the coordination of this project.
The training programme will be specific to the needs of managers of immunisation programmes and will be composed of individual online distance learning modules, a retreat with facilitated classroom learning, a capstone project and there is a private sector coaching component.
Scope of work
The service provider is responsible to provide services as defined here:
Delegate Selection
The service provider will support the process of selecting individuals for the training programme out of a pool of participants identified by Gavi. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office. To successfully accomplish this responsibility, the service provider will liaise with Ministry of Health officials
Facilitator Selection
The service provider will lead the process of developing a pool of candidates and then selecting individuals to Facilitate the Retreat phase of the training programme. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office.
Coach Selection
The service provider will lead the process of developing a pool of private sector candidates and then selecting individuals to coach the delegates through the Retreat and Apply phases of the programme. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office.
Breakthrough Project Selection
The service provider will lead the process of selecting projects that will demonstrate the delegate’s application of programme learnings. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office.
Retreat Logistics
The service provider will lead the process for Retreat logistics. These activities should include (but not limited to):
Retreat site agreements (hotel, conference centre, etc.);
Delegate travel coordination (air/ground travel, lodging, meals, etc.);
Payment of per-diems and allowances to delegates of funds provide through Gavi.
This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office.
Four (4) Weekly Self-Paced Distance Learning Modules
The service provider will manage the distribution of and delegate adherence completion of the pre-Retreat e-learning modules. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office.
Facilitator Training Workshop
In the lead up to the Retreat, the service provider will conduct a two-day Programme Facilitator training (Training of Trainers) workshop. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office.
Coach Training Workshop
In the lead up to the Retreat, the service provider will conduct a one-day Programme (Private Sector) Coach training workshop. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office.
Over the course of the retreat, the service provider will provide regular updates on progress of the training programme, enabling course corrections in consultation with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office, if required.
Face to Face Workshop
The service provider will lead all activities associated with the management and oversight of the five (5) day face-to-face workshop. These activities include, but are not limited to the following:
Coordination with the Retreat site management;
Coordination of facility, technology, personnel readiness;
Delegate, facilitator, coach and observer coordination;
Dispute resolution.
Fully Facilitated Blended Learning Experience
The service provider will lead all activities associated with the delivery of the five (5) day face-to-face workshop. These activities include, but are not limited to the following:
Strict adherence to programme schedule/timeliness;
Strict adherence to programme structure/exercises/material.
Six (6) Bi-Weekly Self-Paced Distance Learning Modules
The service provider will manage the distribution of and delegate adherence completion of the post-Retreat e-learning modules. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office.
Breakthrough Project
The service provider will oversee and manage delegate adherence completion of the post-Retreat Breakthrough Project. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office.
Private Sector Coaching
The service provider will oversee and manage delegate adherence to the post-Retreat Private Sector Coaching Plan for each participant. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi and the UNICEF Country Office.
Measurement and Evaluation
Upon completion of each training programme, the service provider will be responsible for facilitating implementation of an independent assessment of programme outcomes, using an approach and partner agreed in advance of implementing each programme offering. This assessment will link closely to monitoring of implementation progress that the provider will manage throughout the implementation phase. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office.
Upon completion of each training programme, the service provider will be responsible for providing, in a timely manner, previously agreed upon reports of programme outcomes, These reports will be used to determine the success of each programme offering and will be built around a previously agreed upon set of metrics each of which will have an established baseline. This process will be implemented in close collaboration with Gavi, the ISC2 and the UNICEF Country Office.