Technical Assistance to the Provisional Commission for reflection on transitional justice in Guinea

Home >> Technical Assistance to the Provisional Commission for reflection on transitional justice in Guinea

Project: Technical Assistance to the Provisional Commission for reflection on transitional justice mechanisms

  • Country: Guinea
  • Client: United Nations
  • Period: 2015-2016

ALG supported the Commission in charge of reflexions on the mechanisms for the sustainable management of past disputes, by providing the following services:
• Establish a mapping (geographic and historical) of the acts of serious violence committed during the crises of governance which have mourned the history of the Republic of Guinea, with a view to determining the social groups of people to be consulted, including victims of the violations, orphans, displaced, disabled, and others;
• Identify and locate the people selected for the various forms of consultation;
• Prepare a questionnaire in French based on the general themes on transitional justice set out above;
• Develop appropriate tools for carrying out qualitative and quantitative consultations;
• Develop an individual interview guide, a group facilitation guide, an explanatory note of the internet consultations and a summary sheet of the debates;
• Propose and implement a methodology for conducting field consultations;
• Conduct and coordinate the progress of quantitative and qualitative consultations and propose software that can be used for decoding information collected in the field during consultations, allowing the results to be output by figures, diagrams, histograms and curves according to the results sought;
• Test, during the pre-consultations, the consultation tools and the software;
• Ensure the training of the members of the Provisional Commission for Reflection on National Reconciliation and the field teams, in the techniques of investigation and information gathering, in the use of the chosen software, the interview guide and the guide animation;
• Contribute to the preparation of regional and national consultation reports;
• Provide the necessary assistance if necessary during the data collection work, analyze, enter and process the data in order to identify major trends from the point of view of the population on the mechanisms of Transitional Justice .

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