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Evaluation of the Support Program for the Implementation of the Response Plan for Educational Continuity in Burkina Faso

  • Project: Evaluation of the Support Program for the Implementation of the Response Plan for Educational Continuity in Burkina Faso
  • Country: Burkina Faso
  • Client: Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • Period: October 2022-March 2023

Description of the intervention:

ALG was recruited by AFD to conduct the final evaluation of the Response Plan Support Program to (i) report on the activities financed with regard to the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, gender equality and equity; (ii) highlight what this health crisis has revealed about the functioning of the education system; and (iii) contribute to learning lessons from the management of this situation by the education community, by striving to show the progressive progression of the stages between observations (raw data), findings (developed indicators, ratios), judgments made and lessons/recommendations.

The objective of the service is to conduct the final evaluation of the Support Program for the Response Plan for Educational Continuity in Burkina, which will be carried out at the end of the eighteen months of implementation and will make it possible to report on the activities financed with regard to the criteria of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency.

Beyond the program financed by the GPE, the evaluation will focus on highlighting what this health crisis has revealed about the functioning of the education system to help learn lessons from the management of this situation by the education community. The service provider will strive throughout its work to clearly show and explain the progressive progression of the stages between observations (raw data), findings (developed indicators, ratios), judgments made and lessons/recommendations.

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eHealth for Africa strategy development

  • Project title: ICT for health in Africa
  • Countries: 12 sample countries and the whole continent
  • Client: Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
  • Period: November 2022-March 2023

Description of the project:

ALG has carried out this assignment for IsDB. The general objective is to develop an eHealth program in Africa that will allow for patient- centric health care provision enabled by interconnected ICTs for health. The specific objectives are: (i) Enhancing access to quality health services; (ii) Reducing the overflow of hospitals and medical centres; and (iii) Freeing up medical staff for underserved regions.
Therefore, the study will assess the status and opportunities for investments for the improved status of e-health systems in African member countries.

The study will assess the current status of ICT and innovation in the Health sector, including governance arrangements, in IsDB 12 African Member Countries, and identify investment opportunities to harness digital technologies’ use and appropriate application to build resilient health systems. This will help develop the Bank’s investments in digital health for enhanced resilience among member countries. This study will be conducted in consultation with all key stakeholders within the national health ecosystems, including governments, Partners, private sector NGOs, and CSOs such as the Health practitioners Association and Unions; Universities, and the private sector.

More about our eHeath Consulting. 

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Elaboration d’une stratégie nationale d’éducation inclusive au Burundi

Titre de la mission: Elaboration d’une stratégie nationale d’éducation inclusive au Burundi

Pays: Burundi

Client: UNICEF

Période d’exécution: Novembre 2022-Mai 2023

Description de la mission:

Cette consultance a pour objectif de disposer à terme d’un cadre d’orientation stratégique nationale d’éducation inclusive qui répond au contexte, à la politique nationale et aux instruments et cadres juridiques et administratifs de l’éducation en vigueur au Burundi.
Plus spécifiquement, le cabinet devra faire un état de lieu de base et une analyse des meilleures options pour la prise en compte effective de l’inclusion dans le secteur de l’Education au Burundi, qui tienne compte aussi bien des questions d’ACCES, de QUALITE que de pilotage et de financement. Il s’agira alors de :

  1. Définir le contour de l’éducation inclusive permettant d’identifier le profil et les besoins des enfants concernés dans le secteur de l’éducation ;
  2. Décrire les fondements nationaux et internationaux de la stratégie nationale d’éducation inclusive ;
  3. Analyser les enjeux et définir les principes de base qui devraient sous-tendre la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie pour le secteur de l’éducation ;
  4. Analyser et démontrer comment promouvoir l’offre, la demande et la qualité de l’éducation inclusive;
  5. Proposer un dispositif institutionnel de pilotage et de financement de l’éducation inclusive avec des mécanismes durables de suivi, de prise en charge et d’accompagnement des enfants en situation de handicap ;
  6. Fournir des orientations pratiques et adaptées au contexte du Burundi pour le renforcement et l’amélioration de l’éducation inclusive dans la planification, la mise en oeuvre, le suivi, l’évaluation et le rapportage
    Faire des recommandations solides permettant une mise en oeuvre effective, de la stratégie nationale d’éducation inclusive au Burundi.
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Development of the regional strategy for stabilization, recovery and resilience of Liptako-Gourma

  • Mission Title: Development of the Liptako-Gourma Regional Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience Strategy
  • Region/Country: Liptako-Gourma: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger
  • Client: UNDP/Liptako Gourma Authority
  • Period: 2002-2003
  • Status of Implementation: Completed

Mission Description:

In close collaboration with the  Liptako Gourma Authority and in consultation with Member States and all stakeholders, the firm’s mission is to:

  • Develop the ALG regional stabilization strategy by prioritizing areas of intervention while taking into account the ALG intervention strategy;
    Conduct an in-depth situation analysis on stabilization issues in the Liptako-Gourma region (strategic stabilization priorities, stakeholder engagement, intervention logic, etc.);
  • Review analyses of conflict causes and identify entry points for peace and stability; work in parallel with the firm that is carrying out the conflict analysis of the LG region;
    Identification/mapping of partners and their initiatives involved in the areas of implementation of the stabilization project;
  • Drawing lessons from the SSR in the Lake Chad region
    Support the LGA in strategically prioritizing the roles and needs anticipated for the implementation of its Regional Stabilization Strategy;
  • Make recommendations on the important role that the LGA should play in convening and coordinating all actors involved in stabilization as well as in other areas of intervention, at the local, national and regional levels, including security actors; review the assessment of the institutional capacities of the LGAs and integrate the necessary support to fill the gaps and needs identified and required to ensure the sustainable implementation of the strategy over time (immediate, short, medium and long term).
    Provide the LGA with the necessary tools through which it can ensure the convergence of all stabilization efforts
    Propose the implementation mechanisms of the Strategy;
  • Make relevant recommendations for the governance structures of the stabilization mechanism, particularly at the regional and local levels, while taking advantage of the Liptako-Gourma Governors Forum to ensure close collaboration and effective exchange of information for enhanced coordination for peace and security.
  • The strategy should be flexible to allow for an extension of the scope of political and cooperation partnerships to other regional organizations such as the G5S, ECOWAS, has the effect of intensifying collaboration with emerging security and development policy and coordination frameworks in the region (the Sahel Coalition, the WB, IFPA, etc.); and ensure that the critical role of the Sahel Coalition/P3S is taken into account for the coordination of key partners and donors
  • As part of the strategy, propose effective frameworks for civil-military cooperation/coordination; The strategy should establish a mechanism for complementarity of actions, coordination and cooperation with other actors, regional and international security forces, and other donors and development partners;
  • Make a proposal for a robust monitoring and evaluation mechanism;
  • Formulate recommendations on robust mechanisms to be put in place for capacity building of national, regional and local authorities to respond to conflicts, promote social cohesion, reduce the growing security threat, intra and inter-community tensions for power and resources (search for land and water by pastoralists under old transhumance models due to climate change, modern land management practices, creation of local committees for the strengthening of existing legislation on natural resource management, border restrictions and traditional conflict resolution practices).
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