Project: Providing high expertise on social protection
- Country of assignment: Burundi
- Client: UNICEF
- Period: April 2020 August 2021 (Long term agreement)
Correspondingly, the Objective of the Consultancy has been defined as:
“Social protection technical assistance is provided to assure a good implementation of the national safety net program and provide policy elements to consolidate social protection interventions in the country. The support is expected for a period of about 6-7 months, starting in December[1] with two mission in country”.
The specific objectives of the Consultancy comprise three levels of results to be achieved as follows:
- Capacity building on social protection
- Evidence generation
- Policy advocacy.
Each of the specific objectives comprise a clearly defined set of expected outputs / deliverables to be produced/ facilitated by the Consultant.
The assignment consists in supporting the UNICEF team to provide high level expertise in the social protection sector for system strengthening, training and analysis, through Institutional contract.
For the more technical and specialized part of this work, ALG mobilized 4 high-quality experts to undertake this project.

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