Business leaders need to differentiate their offerings and increase revenues and profits, at a time when the sector is seeing an increasing number of smaller suppliers appear with lower overheads. 

New information technologies could pave the way for new opportunities, but they can also present risks and incur additional costs.

By working with service providers, ALG experts benefit from their ability to use and understand business customer behavior, analyze critical performance factors, evaluate contractual frameworks and assess trends in long term. Together, this knowledge allows suppliers to focus on their most exciting opportunities and implement effective strategies.

For example: We help clients evaluate their target market segments and align their strategies to maximize return on investment.

A large African cotton company wanted to focus its selling costs and resources on high-value activities within its most buoyant markets.
ALG has assessed and restructured the sales force, responsibilities and compensation. The strategy has been redefined based on expected performance and objectives. With the new leverage point, additional performance gains lead to bigger results.

Our work greatly helps public and private companies to improve their productivity, attract and retain more efficient employees.

Constantly needing to discover and create new opportunities and assess and mitigate potential risks, customers turn to ALG to benefit from our assistance in tackling the full range of specialty services in business, including :

  • Outsourcing business processes
  • Human Resources Management Consulting
  • Information management
  • Legal services
  • Property Management