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Infographiste – monteur

La firme

ALG est une firme leader spécialisée dans le développement international. Nous fournissons de l’expertise de haut niveau aux agences de développement, aux Etats et au secteur privé dans toute l’Afrique.

Dans le cadre de nos projets, nous réalisons des documents de qualité professionnelle pour soutenir les livrables de nos missions de service professionnel.

Vos missions:

  • Concevoir et réaliser des contenus graphiques (animations, infographies, livrets, brochures, dépliants…) pour faciliter, valoriser l’avancée des projets de chaque direction (business development, project coordination, operation, production, marketing) .
  • Faire le montage graphique des rapports et productions de nos experts ;
  • Réaliser ponctuellement des contenus graphiques pour des besoins externes ;
  • Décliner et mettre à jour des contenus existants ;
  • Contribuer au sein de l’équipe de business development à la préparation des graphiques d’illustration des documents.

Durée de la mission : 6 mois (renouvelable)
Date de début de la mission: 25/12/2023

Compétences attendues :

  • Bac Professionnel.
  • Connaissance des logiciels after effects et audition de la suite Adobe appréciée.

Savoir-être :

  • Sens de l’organisation et des priorités.
  • Esprit d’équipe et excellent relationnel.
  • Esprit d’initiative et d’autonomie.

Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

Candidture :

Envoyer votre CV par email avec une note de motivation à : [email protected] et [email protected]

Seuls les candidats qualifiés seront contactés.

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Consultants Juniors Francophones

L’opportunité : 

Vous êtes un(e) jeune diplômé(e) d’au moins BAC+4 en droit, économie, gestion, sciences humaines, ou tout autre domaine pertinent, avec au moins une année d’expérience vérifiable. Vous maîtrisez l’outil informatique. Vous êtes autonome. Vous avez une bonne connaissance de l’Internet pratique et des techniques de recherche en ligne.  Vous avez une bonne capacité de rédaction et un bon niveau en anglais. Vous désirez développer vos aptitudes professionnelles et vos capacités techniques en collaborant avec des personnes hautement qualifiées : consultants, chercheurs, universitaires, etc… Vous désirez contribuer à apporter des solutions à des questions de développement dans divers domaines économiques et sociaux. Cette annonce s’adresse à vous.

L’Organisation : 

Africa Label Group S.A (ALG) est une firme leader intervenant dans plusieurs pays en Afrique sur des projets, programmes et missions aux côtés des organismes publics et privés et des agences de développement international. Depuis 2007, ALG est intervenue dans plus de 15 pays, apportant expertise et savoir-faire de classe mondiale. Les services d’ALG concernent des études, des évaluations, la gestion de programme et le renforcement des capacités.

Votre mission :

Vous aurez à travailler avec une équipe dynamique qui propose et déploie des solutions de services professionnels pour des clients en Afrique de l’Ouest, l’Afrique Centrale, l’Afrique Australe, l’Afrique de l’Est et l’Afrique du Nord. Vous assisterez des Chefs de projet dans leurs missions et fournirez des prestations selon des modalités qui seront définies. Vous serez amenés parfois à agir de façon autonome pour répondre à des exigences dans des délais courts et sous pression.

Vous travaillerez essentiellement à distance durant ce stage, d’une durée de 3 à 6 mois. Vous pourrez aussi être assigné (e) sur un des bureaux de la firme.

Candidature :

Envoyez votre CV actualisé et une lettre de motivation à l’adresse [email protected] avec copie à [email protected] . Préciser dans l’objet: “Candidature Consultant Junior francophone”

NB : L’annonce restera ouverte jusqu’à ce que le poste soit pourvu. Vous êtes encouragé(e) à candidater le plus tôt possible.

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Community manager

We are looking for a digital-savvy community manager to take control of our online voice and build brand awareness and loyalty. The community manager will be responsible for aligning all ALG communications, public relations, social media, and marketing content to create a strong brand identity. You will be the first point of contact for online fans and followers, thus developing an intimate relationship with the online community.

To be successful in this role, you will need to have a deep passion for social media, stay abreast of new developments and opportunities in the industry, and be a strategic thinker. You must have an outgoing personality as in-person networking will also be part of the job.

Community Manager Responsibilities:

Develop a content plan.

  • Create engaging content for all platforms, including blog pieces, articles, social media posts, newsletters, and videos.
  • Engage with the online community and respond to comments and requests.
  • Analyze web traffic and relevant community metrics.
  • Relay community feedback to relevant internal stakeholders.
  • Devise and implement community communication initiatives.
  • Liaise with other departments to stay updated on new marketing initiatives, product and service developments, and to ensure brand consistency.
  • Attend networking events or relevant industry workshops.
  • Liaise with external agencies or journalists to ensure accurate brand representation.

Community Manager Requirements:

A degree in communication, English, journalism, marketing, or related field may be required.

Experience with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube is essential.

Knowledge of Hootsuite or similar programs to manage online postings on different platforms.

Proficient in Google Analytics.

At least two years of experience managing social media platforms.

Other essential skills:

  • Strong writing and verbal communication skills.
  • Knowledge of marketing trends and techniques.
  • Superb time management skills.
  • Strong writing and verbal communication skills.
  • Knowledge of marketing trends and techniques.
  • Superb time management skills.

How to apply:

Send a cover letter and CV to: [email protected] with copy to [email protected].

Only the qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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Expertise for Local Fund Agent Tanzania and Zanzibar (multiple positions)

About the project

Africa Label Group Inc, a leading international development consulting firm established in various regions and countries in Africa seeks professionals in order to propose its services to The Global Fund in Tanzania and Zanzibar. The Team will be composed of national and international experts. Various roles are needed. The assignment will be conducted on a part time basis for a duration of 12 months.  The purpose of the intervention is to provide best value to the Global Fund, when both technical and cost factors are combined.

Key experts roles

Professional Experience Qualifications Language Competencies
Team Leader (TL) 10 years of management experience, preferably in the health, social or financial sector, with

(i)              strong project management and team management skills, ability to prioritize tasks and meet multiple deadlines in complex environment;

(ii)             an in-depth knowledge of issues relating to project management in developing countries;

(iii)            strong interpersonal skills, diplomacy and tact to effectively communicate with senior-level officials, multiple stakeholders and professionals from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds; and

(iv)           strong professional oral communication, writing and analytical skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents.

A Graduate Degree, or a degree followed by membership in an industry-recognised professional body (e.g. ACCA, CPA etc), in:

·       Public Health;

·       Finance/Accounting;

·       Public Administration;

·       Business Administration;

·       Social Science; or

·       other relevant discipline.

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Finance Professional (FP) A minimum of 5 years of relevant experience working in a financial role, preferably with at least 2 years of post-qualification experience related to:

(i)     financial accounting, with the ability to review and analyse accounting transactions;

(ii)    reviewing and negotiating budgets;

(iii)   financial management systems, with the ability to review and assess internal controls and financial processes and procedures and provide recommendations for improvement;

(iv)  review of financial statements (including income and expenditure statements, balance sheets and cash reconciliation statements); and

(v)    review and interpretation of audit reports.

It is preferable to have an internationally recognised professional finance or accounting qualification – e.g. Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Management Accountant (CMA), Chartered Accountant Certification, Chartered Financial Analyst or Fédération des Experts-Comptables Européens etc.

•          In the absence of a professionally recognised qualification a Graduate Degree/second level degree in Finance/Accounting with appropriate experience would be considered along with other factors;

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Procurement and Supply Management (PSM) Expert for Health Products A minimum of 7 years relevant experience in managing or advising on the procurement, supply and use of health products, particularly in developing countries with:

(i)     experience/expertise in assessing policies, systems and structures in the public and/or private health sector relevant for managing effective and efficient access to pharmaceuticals and other health products, particularly for AIDS, TB and malaria;

(ii)    experience/expertise in the procurement of health products including regulations and tendering process;

(iii)   experience/expertise in supply chain/logistics management systems;

(iv)  experience in quantification and forecasting of health product needs in public health programs;

(v)    a good understanding of AIDS, TB, malaria market dynamics and existing global supply challenges as well as international health products procurement and supply management practices, applicable national and international laws and recognised standards; and

(vi)  good writing and analytical skills.


A Graduate Degree (MSc. equivalent) in:

·       Public Health;

·       Pharmacy;

·       Medicine; or

·       other related discipline.



·       Professional training in procurement and supply management (PSM) of health products, logistics and/or public health.

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Programmatic/ Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Expert A minimum of 7 years relevant experience in the health sector, notably in monitoring and evaluating health programs in developing countries, and with the following expertise:

(i)     ability to interpret performance results of health programs and analyse the implications of such results in the country context;

(ii)    strong understanding of public health monitoring and evaluation systems;

(iii)   a thorough knowledge of epidemiology and programmatic interventions related to at least one of the three diseases (HIV, TB, or malaria);

(iv)  understanding of the dimensions of health service quality and familiarity with reviewing and interpreting national service delivery guidelines;

(v)    strong interpersonal skills, diplomacy and tact to effectively communicate with senior level officials, multiple stakeholders and professionals from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds; and

(vi)  strong professional oral communication and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents.

A Graduate Degree (MSc. equivalent) in:

·       Public Health;

·       Medicine;

·       Epidemiology; or

·       other relevant discipline.

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.

Additional Experts roles

Professional Experience Qualifications Language Competencies
Procurement (Non- Health) Expert A minimum of 5 years relevant experience of procurement in developing countries, and with the following expertise:

(i)     procurement at a senior level for large projects in either the public or private sector involving procurement of goods and services;

(ii)    procurement and contract management using World Bank / multilateral funding agency or internationally recognised guidelines;

(iii)   review of purchasing/procurements systems to establish that best practices are followed resulting in delivery of best prices;

(iv)  assessing the source of supplies, price trends and quality of materials and equipment;

(v)    procurement planning and preparing bidding documents/request for proposals; and

(vi)  good computer skills are essential as are good writing and presentation skills.

Professional qualification and/or training in purchasing and logistics.

Professional membership such as CIPS or other recognised professional body.

A University Degree in:

·       Finance/Accounting;

·       Business Administration; or

·       related discipline with significant experience in procurement audit.

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Supply Chain Expert A minimum of 12 years of experience of leading practice Supply Chain principles and their contextual appropriateness; including:

(i)     experience of supply chain systems, stakeholders and networks in developing countries, especially Africa. This should include senior operational Supply Chain experience – for example with a private sector 3PL and 4PL organization, a functional role within an international industrial corporation, or within a leading consulting organization.

(ii)    Proven project and program management expertise gained in implementing change and leading Supply Chain techniques in similar situations.

(iii)   Proven success working in complex multi-stakeholder environments, requiring decision making abilities with limited information available and under tight deadlines.

(iv)  Strong experience of implementing and managing contracts for large technical assistance providers, Public Private Partnership (PPP)-type arrangements, outsourcing or 3PL/4PLs.



  • Several years of experience of both the public and private sectors.
  • Several years of operational Supply Chain experience gained with in a manufacturing organization.
  • Knowledge and experience of the Pharmaceutical Sector and understanding of pharmaceutical Supply Chains in developing countries.
  • Knowledge and experience of public health with relationships with some Global Fund high impact countries.
  • Membership of a recognized professional supply chain organization.

A Graduate Degree (MSc. equivalent) directly related to Supply Chain Management


·       Formal training in Supply Chain Management or membership of a recognized professional supply chain organization, e.g., CILT

·       Project Management Certification (PMI Accreditation preferred or Price2 with relevant experience)

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Laboratory Expert A minimum of 10 years of professional experience working in laboratory services and the management of diagnostic products, including:

(i)     Experience with international agencies on strengthening laboratory services and/or diagnostic product/equipment matters

(ii)    Experience with and strong understanding of the diagnostic platforms used for the management of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria programmes in limited resource settings

(iii)   Proven expertise in working with and understanding Quality Assurance (QA) systems, the selection of laboratory diagnostics and the implementation of diagnostic programs especially in resource limited settings.

(iv)  Working knowledge of procurement and supply chain good practices for diagnostic products.

(v)    Good understanding of the WHO prequalification program and the work of the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF)

(vi)  Experience in preparing policy documents and technical guidelines.


Advanced University Degree in medical biology or pharmacy

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Biomedical Engineering Expert (Oxygen) A minimum of 7 years relevant experience in managing or advising ideally on the financing, design, specifications, sourcing and procurement, installation/assembly/ commissioning, storage and distribution, maintenance and use of equipment (and systems) used for treating patients, particularly in LMIC countries with:

(i)     experience/expertise in design and specification of medical oxygen equipment and systems in the public and/or private health sector;

(ii)    experience/expertise in oxygen storage and distribution systems;

(iii)   experience/expertise in installation, assembly and commissioning of oxygen equipment to PSA plants, with required infrastructure needs, maintenance and servicing;

(iv)  a good understanding of the global and/or regional oxygen ecosystem, applicable national and international laws and recognized quality standards; and

(v)    good writing and analytical skills.

The below expertise/expertise would be very advantageous:

(vi)  experience/expertise in the sourcing and procurement of all oxygen-delivery systems (PSA plants, ancillary devices and equipment) including regulations and tendering process;

(vii) experience/expertise in advising on financing of oxygen systems, incl. total cost of ownership.


A Bachelor’s degree essential, recognized by relevant accreditation institutions, in:

·     Biomedical engineering,

·     Electrical engineering, or

·                Mechanical engineering

A graduate degree (MSc. equivalent) preferred, which can be compensated by additional four years of professional experience.



·       Oxygen industry experience highly preferred

·      Professional training in various medical oxygen plant design, procurement, installation/assembly and maintenance.

·      Experience in overall system design and delivery of medical oxygen services in hospital.

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Biomedical Engineering Expert (Biomed Equipment) A minimum of 7 years relevant experience in managing or advising ideally on the financing, design, specifications, sourcing and procurement, installation/assembly/ commissioning, storage and distribution, maintenance and use of biomedical equipment used for treating patients, particularly in LMIC countries with:

(i)     experience/expertise in design and specification of biomedical equipment in the public and/or private health sector;

(ii)    experience/expertise in installation, assembly and commissioning of biomedical equipment, with required infrastructure needs, maintenance and servicing;

(iii)   a good understanding of the global and/or regional biomedical equipment ecosystem, applicable national and international laws and recognized quality standards; and

(iv)  good writing and analytical skills.

The below expertise/expertise would be very advantageous:

(v)    experience/expertise in the sourcing and procurement of all biomedical equipment (incl. ancillary devices) including regulations and tendering process;

(vi)  experience/expertise in advising on financing of biomedical equipment, incl. total cost of ownership.



A Bachelor’s degree essential, recognized by relevant accreditation institutions, in:

·       Biomedical engineering,

·       Electrical engineering, or

·      Mechanical engineering

A graduate degree (MSc. equivalent) preferred, which can be compensated by additional four years of professional experience.


·        Biomedical industry experience highly preferred

·        Professional training in various biomedical equipment design, procurement, installation/assembly and maintenance.

·        Experience in overall biomedical equipment design and delivery of medical oxygen services in hospital

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.
Civil Engineering Expert (Infrastructure Construction) A minimum of 7 years relevant experience in managing or advising ideally on the design, specifications, contracting, construction and commissioning, and maintenance, particularly in LMIC countries with:

  1. experience/expertise in design and specification of infrastructure in the public and/or private sector;
  2. experience/expertise in the contracting of services for infrastructure systems, including regulations and tendering process;
  3. experience/expertise in construction and commissioning of infrastructure, maintenance and servicing;
  4. a good understanding of the global and/or regional construction ecosystem, applicable national and international laws and recognized quality standards; and
  5. good writing and analytical skills.

The below expertise/expertise would be very advantageous:

Healthcare infrastructure, ideally hospitals, labs, oxygen plant, waste management, etc.


A Bachelor’s degree essential, recognized by relevant accreditation institutions, in:

·     Civil engineering, or

·                Structural engineering

A graduate degree (MSc. equivalent) preferred, which can be compensated by additional four years of professional experience.


·         Healthcare construction industry experience highly preferred

·         Experience in various healthcare infrastructure (hospitals, labs, oxygen plant, waste management, etc.) design, procurement, installation/assembly and maintenance

·         Required professional trainings

Must have good written and spoken English and, preferably, a good working knowledge of the official language(s) spoken in the country or countries in which the individual has been assigned to work.


Send updated CV, indicated the role for which you are applying to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected], no later than August 22, 2021.

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Evaluation Consultant (several positions) –Evaluation of Governance or Development programs in African Countries

ALG Consulting has been operating for more than 20 years, offering professional services to partners (government agencies, NGOs, international development agencies) all over Africa. The firm has technical teams which it deploys on the various projects. But we also often call on independent consultants to respond to emergencies and the specific needs of our customers.

About the assignments

These are project / program evaluation missions, implemented in different development sectors. The most frequent sectors concern: health, education, agriculture, women’s participation, gender, social protection, natural resources, human rights and democracy, culture, climate, local governance, etc.

The evaluation assignment consists of developing suitable tools, collecting and analyzing data of the interventions, and preparing the evaluation report, all following a dedicated methodology and in accordance with the OECD standard evaluation criteria.

Competencies and required skills

  • Thematic expertise in one or more development priorities areas and/or organizational assessment
  • Ability to conduct analysis of large multi-country data sets in short period;
  • Familiarity with international development agencies mechanisms and operations;
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills;
  • Having carried out at least 3 evaluation missions.


  • Masters’ degree in the social sciences or a relevant field.


  • At least 5 years of international development experience;
  • Extensive evaluation experience, having participated in complex evaluation of development programs, preferably in Africa.


  • Fluency in English required.

Application :

Send a detailed CV, emphasizing experiences in project evaluation and your knowledge in monitoring and evaluation. Give reasons for your application in the CV transmission message (cover letter), also specifying the periods or duration of availability.

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Expert principal – Spécialiste en commerce international et concurrence

ALG est une firme leader spécialisée dans le développement international en Afrique. Basée à Ouagadogou (Burkina Faso) avec des interventions aux quatre coins du continent, ALG offre ses compétences dans les domaines relatif à la stratégie, l’organisation et le management. Plus d’information: www.alg.expert

Le Projet:

L’expert interviendra dans une mission en cours de négociation relative à la définition d’un cadre de référence de la politique communautaire de l’UEMOA (Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine). Les TDR sont disponibles sur demande.

Profil recherché:

  • Titulaire d’au moins une maîtrise en droit ou économie,
  • Disposer de connaissance dans le commerce international et de la régulation de marché (concurrence)
  • Justifier d’une expérience de 10 ans au moins, dans les questions liées au commerce international ou à la concurrence dans un cadre international,
  • Avoir une bonne pratique au sein d’une autorité de concurrence.

Période de la mission:

La mission est prévue pour démarrer à la mi-octobre 2017. Elle sera séquentielle et durera environ 4 mois.


Envoyer le plus vite possible, CV à jour avec un message (Email) de motivation, assurant de votre disponibilité et vos qualifications pour réaliser la mission. Adresse de soumission: [email protected]

NB: Seuls les candidats qualifiés seront contactés.

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Coordonnateur en Suivi et Évaluation

Africa Label Group S.A (ALG), société de services professionnels pour le développement en Afrique, ayant son siège à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) recherche un(e) Coordonnateur en  Suivi évaluation, pour appuyer ses missions et projets. Ce poste sera basé à Lomé (Togo) ; des déplacements sont prévus dans divers pays d’intervention de la société.

Principales responsabilités

Sous la responsabilité du Directeur Exécutif et dans le cadre du Bureau des Etudes et Analyse, le Coordonnateur en suivi et évaluation s’acquitte d’un éventail de tâches d’appui dans l’exécution des programmes de la société sur différents sites établis dans des pays africains :

  • Recueillir les données auprès des Chargés de suivi et évaluation des projets et programmes et des responsables de programmes et des partenaires d’ALG, d’une manière continue en utilisant les outils et protocoles établis;
  • Mettre en place et/ou superviser des bases de données des programmes ;
  • Assurer la bonne organisation, la conservation et la protection des données pour chaque programme et projet/programme;
  • Assister le Bureau des études et analyse d’ALG dans les contrôle/évaluation de la qualité des données collectées par les équipes des missions et programmes, en suivant les protocoles établis ;
  • Etc….

Qualifications requises:

  • Master, de préférence en sciences sociales, sciences économiques ou formation équivalente;
  • Une connaissance avérée en statistiques ;
  • Bonne maîtrise des techniques de recherches qualitatives et quantitatives ;
  • Connaissance approfondie des logiciels de traitement et d’analyse de données ;
  • Expérience dans l’analyse et le rapportage, dans le cadre de projets et programmes internationaux ;
  • Un minimum d’expérience professionnelle de cinq (5) ans, de préférence dans un cabinet, une ONG internationale ou une agence gouvernementale ;
  • Une bonne expression écrite ainsi qu’une bonne maîtrise du français écrit et oral ; des compétences en anglais seraient un atout important;
  • Bonne connaissance de l’environnement du travail en Afrique sub-saharienne ;
  • Connaissance des exigences des agences de développement international (WB, AfDB, USAID, UE, DFID, etc…)
  • Aptitude à travailler sur plusieurs projets et à gérer efficacement le temps – s’occuper du travail et des dates limites de clients.

Candidature :

Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation (le plus vite possible) à l’adresse : [email protected]. Seuls les candidats retenus sur la liste restreinte seront contactés.

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